Dr Ahmir Ahmad

Dr Ahmir Ahmad

Consultant Gastroenterologist


I am a Consultant Gastroenterologist and specialist endoscopist with a particular interest in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy including advanced colonoscopy, gastroscopy and polypectomy.

I am accredited to perform upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopies and have performed more than 4,000 procedures. These include diagnostic and therapeutic examinations including colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and gastroscopy procedures.

I qualified in 2010 and was appointed to the consultant staff at St Mark's National Bowel Hospital in 2023. Here, I perform endoscopy at the Wolfson Unit for Endoscopy which is recognised as a world centre for excellence.

I completed my undergraduate training with distinction at University College London in 2010 and I undertook a four year specialist clinical and research endoscopy fellowship at St Mark's Hospital from 2018 to 2022. My PhD at Imperial College London involved a portfolio of research exploring Efficiency in Colonoscopy throughout the patient pathway under primary supervision of Professor Brian Saunders. This was awarded the John Nicholls' Prize for Research in 2021.

I am the Clinical Lead for optical diagnosis at NHS England supporting the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme and have a research interest in improving efficiency and quality in endoscopy practice.

I have published widely, enjoy teaching and most recently co-authored the 8th edition of the classic textbook Cotton & Williams' Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Ahmir Ahmad at Spire include:



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Additional information


PhD / Imperial College London / 2023
Doctor of Philosophy Clinical Medicine Research

Specialty Certificate in Gastroenterology / Royal College of Physicians / 2016
Specialty Certificate in Gastroenterology

MRCP / Royal College of Physicians / 2013
Magnetic Resonance Cholangio Pancreatography

MB BS / University College London / 2010
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

Bsc / University College London / 2007
Medical Sciences with Physiology

Professional memberships

European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

British Society of Gastroenterology

Royal College of Physicians

Professional leadership

Clinical Lead for Optical Diagnosis at NHS England
Member of the Endoscopy Clinical Research Group at British Society of Gastroenterology
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London

Findings from DISCARD3, a major study, I led exploring optical diagnosis with a resect and discard strategy, are now being adopted nationally. As clinical lead, I am supporting implementation of optical diagnosis within the NHS England Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. I am also a member of the British Society of Gastroenterology Clinical Research Group.

St Mark's National Bowel Hospital