Dr Alice Freebairn | Head And Neck Oncology & Skin Cancer | Spire Dunedin Hospital, Reading, Berkshire

Dr Alice Freebairn

Consultant Oncologist


I have been a Consultant Clinical Oncologist in Reading since 2001, specialising in the treatment of colorectal, head and neck and non melanomatous skin cancers.

I graduated from King's College London and subsequently worked in Reading at the Royal Berkshire Hospital as an SHO. I then moved to the Wessex rotation where I specialised in Oncology. 

I have been the Clinical Director of the Berkshire Cancer Centre since 2021; and am also the RO for the Royal Berkshire Hospital, a position I hold as part of my role as Associate Medical Director for Professional Standards.

I have taken part in national bowel cancer clinical trials such as the SCOT trial, looking at the length of chemotherapy needed in bowel cancer. I have also taken part in the COIN trial looking at the best duration of palliative chemotherapy for patients with bowel cancer and the Add Aspirin trial, which is currently ongoing. We have also been part of other trials such as Plato and Pathos.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Alice Freebairn at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Oncology: colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer, skin cancer

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Additional information


Colorectal, head and neck (inc orbits) and skin cancer (non melanoma)

BSc. / King's College London / 1992
Bachelor of Medicine

Professional memberships

Member of the Royal College of Physicians

Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists

Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, Berkshire

I have accepted hospitality from pharmaceutical companies. I have no financial interest in any pharmaceutical company.
Telephone 0118 955 3531
Private secretary Donna Gardner
Private secretary fax 0118 955 3519
Private secretary email donna.gardner@spirehealthcare.com