Dr Ash Samanta - Rheumatologist | Specialist Private Consultant In Back Pain & Connective Tissue Disease | Spire Leicester Hospital
Dr Ash Samanta

Dr Ash Samanta

Consultant Rheumatologist


I am a Consultant Rheumatologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. I was appointed as a consultant in 1990 and have held a number of senior clinical managerial roles, as well as in education and teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In addition, I hold national leadership roles in governance and regulation. A highly experienced rheumatologist, I have been treating patients with rheumatological conditions for over 20 years.

I run a well-established practice based at Spire Leicester Hospital, which is managed by my Personal Assistant, Mrs Judith Wragg. I provide an accessible, friendly and efficient service to patients with a wide variety of rheumatological problems as well as sports injuries.

I treat a wide range of rheumatological conditions at the Spire Leicester Hospital. These include rheumatoid arthritis, connective tissue disease and inflammatory conditions. I have considerable experience in treating sports injuries and musculoskeletal problems including back pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, tendinitis and muscle injuries.

I provide a diagnostic and therapeutic service at the Spire Leicester Hospital and undertake a range of pain relieving procedures, including lumbar, caudal and spinal epidurals, paravertebral spinal blocks and paravertebral joint injections, carpal tunnel injection, nerve blocks, joint injection, aspiration and joint manipulations and soft tissue injections, including injections of tendon sheaths, bursa and epicondylar injections.

I have an active interest in medical education and research, and am an examiner for the Royal College of Physicians, as well as for the MBBS at Leicester University. My research interests include epidemiology of diseases and ethnic variations of disease patterns and I am published widely in peer reviewed journals. I am actively involved in governance and regulatory issues as well as the interface of medicine and law, and have a number of articles published in these areas.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Ash Samanta at Spire include:


Other treatments

Dr Samanta treats Sports injury, Soft tissue rheumatism, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Lumbar spine disorders, Inflammatory rheumatic disorders, Connective tissue disease and Back pain.

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Additional information

Back pain
Connective tissue disease
Inflammatory rheumatic disorders
Lumbar spine disorders
Soft tissue rheumatism
Sports injury
Sports and exercise medicine

Special clinical interests: Spinal epidurals. Paravertebral block. Nerve blocks. Joint investigations. Joint manipulation. Soft tissue injection, aspiration of joints, cysts and bursae.

Professional memberships

Fellow of The Royal College of Physicians

Member of The British Society for Rheumatology

Telephone 0116 265 3685
Private secretary Kathryn Wood
Private secretary telephone 0116 265 3650
Private secretary email kathryn.wood@spirehealthcare.com