Dr Donald Hodge

Dr Donald Hodge

Consultant in Paediatric Allergy and General Paediatrics


My NHS work is entirely in the field of paediatric allergy. I am the lead for paediatric allergy in Leeds and run a very busy NHS practice which provides all the paediatric allergy secondary care for Leeds and additionally provides a tertiary service for Yorkshire.

One of the benefits of seeing in excess of 2,000 children per year with allergies is that I am continually exposed to (and manage) many common general paediatric medical problems.

At present, I personally see in excess of 2,000 patients with allergic diseases per year, the majority of which are for food allergy (common foods including dairy, egg, fish, wheat, soya, peanut, tree nuts and sesame), allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hayfever - grass pollen, tree pollen, house dust mite) and idiopathic urticaria. As many of my patients are atopic, I also have significant experience in the management of eczema and asthma and many would benefit from an allergy opinion.

A typical food allergy consultation would involve: allergy focused history to explore food(s) of concern and a global review of the rest of the diet with respect to other potential allergenic foods, review of other atopic comorbidity (asthma, eczema, hay fever), allergy testing - most commonly this will be done in the clinic using skin prick testing. On occasion, allergy blood tests will be required. Once allergies have been diagnosed, appropriate dietary advice is given. I have access to a specialist paediatric allergy dietitian. Allergy management plan - a detailed document outlining the emergency medical management in the event of future accidental allergic reactions. All plans are shared with parents/general practitioners/nurseries/schools. I will also provide training in adrenaline autoinjectors (if prescribed).

A typical allergic rhinoconjunctivitis consultation would involve allergy focused history to explore potential aeroallergens, review of other atopic comorbidity (asthma, eczema, food allergy) and allergy testing - most commonly this will be done in clinic using skin prick testing. On occasion, allergy blood tests will be required. Then optimisation of medical treatment and training in nasal spray technique (if prescribed).

Immunotherapy – sublingual desensitisation for grass/tree pollen allergy – I am able to offer this treatment if required.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Donald Hodge at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever)
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Food allergy/intolerance (common foods - dairy, egg, fish, soya, wheat, peanut, tree nut, sesame)
  • Skin prick allergy testing
  • Urticaria

Other general paediatric issues including:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Heart murmurs
  • Recurrent infections
  • Reflux
  • Urinary infections
  • Weight issues

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Additional information


Consultant in paediatric allergy and general paediatrics, Leeds Children’s Hospital

As the parent of a child with food allergies, I am in a position not only to offer expert clinical advice about food allergies, but can appreciate from first-hand experience the difficulties, challenges, anxieties and social/practical issues relating to the care of a child with allergies. As such, I offer a very holistic approach to allergies.