Dr Jane Sansom

Dr Jane Sansom

Consultant Dermatologist


Specialises in

  • Skin cancer and mole checks
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Acne

I am a consultant dermatologist working at the Bristol Dermatology Centre, Bristol Royal Infirmary. I run my private clinic here at Spire Bristol Hospital and will see a variety of patients experiences a multitude of skin related problems.

I have special interest in contact dermatitis and medical education. I qualified in 1984 from the University of Bristol. I worked at both Frenchay and Southmead hospital before commencing my dermatology training at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.

General Medical Council Number: 2931496

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Jane Sansom at Spire include:


Other treatments


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Additional information


Contact and occupational dermatitis. Vulval skin disorders

Consultant dermatologist, Bristol Royal Infirmary - Bristol Dermatology Centre. Southmead Hospital

I am married with three daughters. I enjoy badminton, tennis, reading and music.

Telephone 0117 980 4070
Private secretary Judy Pullen
Private secretary telephone 0117 9095988
Private secretary email judy.pullen@outlook.com