Dr Jayant Gupta

Dr Jayant Gupta

Consultant Cardiologist


Specialises in

  • Chest pain, breathlessness
  • Palpitations and blackouts
  • Heart failure
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Hypertension

Languages spoken


I specialise in cardiovascular medicine including hypertension, ischaemic and coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and grown-up congenital heart disease. I perform invasive coronary angiography, permanent pacing including defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation.

I have performed several thousand cardiac catheterisations since starting in 1989 and several hundred pacemaker implants, several thousand echocardiograms and non-invasive cardiac investigations including stress testing, ambulatory ECG and blood pressure recordings. I assess complex patients with multi-system disorders with cardiovascular disease and cardiomyopathies.

I became the first and only student in my medical school to pass MBBS with Honours in 1984 with distinctions in Medicine and Paediatrics, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine. I did a postgraduate degree in Medicine (MD) with Honours in 1989 and a Specialist Cardiologist (DM) degree in 1991. I worked as a specialist Cardiology Registrar from 1989 to 1993 in India and 1993-1997 in the UK.

I was appointed Consultant and Assistant Professor in Cardiology in 1997 in the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine and Research, Lucknow India and Consultant Cardiologist at Bro-Morgannwg NHS Trust South Wales in 2002. While covering the broad range of DGH Cardiology I was able to develop and lead a Team of Heart Failure Multidisciplinary Team for the ABM Trust in Wales. I was appointed Clinical Teacher to the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff in 2003.

I was appointed Consultant Cardiologist at Walsall in 2009 and appointed Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham School of Medicine in 2009 as well. I was appointed Deputy Head of the Walsall Teaching Academy for Undergraduates in 2011 and Postgraduate Tutor for Medicine in 2014.

I have been a Senior Clinical Examiner for the University of Birmingham School of Medicine and member of the Postgraduate Medical School and Royal College of Physicians since 2011.

I lead Heart Failure Services and was co-chair of the Black Country Heart Failure Network during the period of the Cardiac Networks. I lead Postgraduate Education in Medicine in the Trust. I have chaired and co-chaired Clinical examinations of the Royal College of Physicians within the UK and overseas.


General Medical Council Number: 4268763

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Jayant Gupta at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Cardiac screening in athletes
  • General cardiology (chest pain, breathlessness, palpitations, giddiness and blackouts)
  • Heart failure: with a special interest in heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction
  • Heart rhythm disorders: including atrial fibrillation syncope/blackouts
  • Heart disease in pregnancy
  • Hypertension
  • Pulmonary hypertension

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Additional information

Arrhythmia (Electrophysiology)
Atrial fibrillation
Cardiac surgery
Congenital heart disease
Coronary artery disease
Interventional cardiology
Vascular medicine

MBBS / Kanpur, India / 1984
(with Honours)

MD / Kanpur, India / 1989

DM / Kanpur, India / 1991

MRCP / UK / 1995
Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians

FRCP / UK / 2007
Fellow Royal College of Physicians

Professional memberships

British Cardiovascular Society

European Cardiac Society

Cardiology Society of India

American Heart Association

Professional leadership

Lead for Heart Failure Services Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Clinical Appraiser for Senior Medical Staff within the NHS Trust
Postgraduate Tutor of Medicine and Educational Supervisor for Medicine and Cardiology Trainees
Deputy Head of Walsall Teaching Academy
Member of the Resuscitation Committee Walsall Heathcare.
Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Birmingham School of Medicine
Deputy Chair International Examiners for Practical Clinical Assessment, Royal College of Physicians
Clinical Mentor for Doctors and Nurses undertaking advanced training and Clinical Prescribing Courses

  • On Heart Failure presented at the European Society of Heart Failure in Lisbon 2013 Percutaneous Balloon Dilatation of Aortic Coarctation in Adults American Journal of Cardiology 77 (5): 435-9 Feb 15 1996
  • Sarcoid Heart Disease: a rare cause of chest pain and malignant cardiac arrhythmia in a young Asian Man: A case report. Angiology 47 (9): 905-10 1996 September
  • Recurrent myocardial infarction with angina in normal coronary arteries: International Journal of Cardiology, Oct 1995
  • Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in patients with aberrant origin of Circumflex coronary arteries: Journal of Interventional Cardiology: Nov 1995
  • Recent Advances in the Treatment of Parkinsonism: Journal of Internal Medicine, (UP Chapter of Association of Physicians of India) Feb 1989
  • Sucralfate vs Ranitidine in the treatment of duodenal Ulcer (Abst.) Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, Jan 1991

Consultant Cardiologist and Postgraduate Tutor for Medicine, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

Honorary Senior Lecturer University of Birmingham School of Medicine, UK (2009)

Senior Clinical Examiner University of Birmingham School of Medicine, UK (2009)

Senior Clinical Examiner for MRCP (PACES) Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom (2011)

Regional Lead for Heart Failure Services developing Community services within Walsall interfacing within Primary and Secondary Care

I have been married to Anuradha since 1987 and we have two children who have chosen to take up Medicine as careers. Anuradha is a Primary teacher with a passion for music and fine arts. I have been a Governor for a Secondary School and have mentored A level students aspiring to do medicine as a career.
I own 100% of a piece of Cardiology equipment used in the hospital.
Telephone Self-pay: 0121 580 7119
Private secretary Debbie Helsby
Private secretary telephone 07419 904 368
Private secretary email kerry.venables@nhs.net