Dr Kanika Grover

Dr Kanika Grover

Consultant Paediatrician with Special Interest in Autism and ADHD

MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), MRCP, DCH

My main interest is Autism and ADHD. I have more than 30 years' experience in Paediatrics. I have extensive experience in developmental difficulties and differences in children having worked for 15 years as a Consultant in Developmental Paediatrics (Community Paediatrics and Neuro-disability).

I specialise in offering Autism and ADHD assessments. 

I work in the NHS at a specialist Children's Hospital, offering Secondary and Tertiary services in Paediatrics. I perform 12 Autism assessments a month at the Ryegate Children's Centre as part of my role in Paediatric Neuro-disability. I also perform regular ADHD assessments.

I accept referrals from GPs, schools and from parents for children aged 3-15 years old.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Kanika Grover at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Paediatric ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Assessment/ Diagnosis and treatment
  • Paediatric ASD (Autism spectrum disorders) Assessment/ Diagnosis


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Additional information

MBBS / Delhi University / 1990
Bachelor of Medicine

MD / Delhi University / 1994
Medical Degree

MRCP / UK / 1999
Member of the Royal College of Physicians

DCH / Leeds University / 2007
Diploma in Child Health

PG Dip / University of Leeds / 2013
Post Graduate Diploma in Paediatric Neurodisability

MRCPCH / Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health / 2004
Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Professional memberships

Royal College of Paediatrics and Childs Health

Consultant Paediatrician, Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust.

Telephone 01482 672 444
Email groverpaediatrics@outlook.com
Private secretary Susan Taylor-Robinson
Private secretary email Susantr.groverpaediatrics@outlook.com