Dr Kerri Greene

Dr Kerri Greene

General Practitioner

BSc Honours, MBChB, BSc Honours, MRCGP

Clinics at Spire Shawfair Park Hospital:
Mondays 2pm - 7pm and alternate Saturdays 8am - 1pm

I am an experienced and compassionate general practitioner (GP).

I achieved my first undergraduate honours degree in Human Biology at The University of St Andrews in 2006 before going onto obtain my pre-clinical honours Medical Science degree in St Andrews. Following this I completed my undergraduate clinical training at The University of Edinburgh where I graduated with my Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) in 2012. I carried out my postgraduate medical training and my GP training in South East Scotland within NHS Lothian. I am a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP).

Following completion of my GP training I was a GP partner in a practice in NHS Lothian for over five years before moving on from this to pursue a portfolio career as a GP. I work in palliative care in a hospice one day per week and I have worked shifts as a GP ad hoc within the out of hours service. I am passionate about medical education and alongside my clinical practice I am the Pro Dean of Medicine (Student Support) and a Clinical Lecturer at The University of St Andrews. I am also an examiner with the General Medical Council (GMC). I was previously a member of NHS Lothian GP sub-committee and Local Medical Committee and a GP representative for the Interface Group.

I have worked with the Spire GP service in Edinburgh since it began.

I am the GP representative for Spire Edinburgh Hospitals Medical Advisory Committee (MAC).

I am interested in all aspects of general practice and provide high quality clinical care with a holistic person centred approach.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Kerri Greene at Spire include:

General practice

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Additional information

General practice

Professional memberships

Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP)