Dr Kiran Kumar Koneti

Dr Kiran Kumar Koneti

Consultant Anaesthetist and Pain Management


Specialises in

  • Pain management
  • Epidural injections
  • Injections for back and facet joints
  • Chronic pain management

I qualified in 1999 from the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University before moving to the UK and taking a post as a consultant in anaesthesia & pain management at the City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Trust.

General Medical Council Number: 6064968

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Kiran Kumar Koneti at Spire include:

Pain management

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Additional information

Pain management

Ultrasound-guided chronic pain interventions; anaesthesia for spine, trauma & orthopaedics; interventional pain.

MB BS / Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Med University / 1999
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

Consultant in Pain Management and Anaesthetics, Sunderland Royal Hospital

Telephone 0191 418 8687
Email info@spirewashington.com
Private secretary Stephanie Lowes
Private secretary telephone 0191 4188666
Private secretary email stephanie.lowes@spirehealthcare.com