Dr Lorna Donaldson

Dr Lorna Donaldson

General Practitioner

MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, MSc (Primary Care)

Clinic times at Spire Shawfair Park Hospital:
Saturday 8am-1pm (fortnightly)

I am a compassionate GP with 20 years of GP experience within the NHS. Currently I work as a GP partner within the NHS in Fife. I am passionate about general practice, providing high quality care, listening to patients’ concerns, and helping patients improve their health and wellbeing. I have an interest in women’s health but enjoy the diversity of general practice.

I graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1997, completing my post-graduate training throughout the Lothians and Fife working within medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, care of the elderly and palliative care. I also spent a year working in medicine and A&E in NSW, Australia, before completing my GP training in Edinburgh in 2002 and Membership of the RCGP with distinction. Following the completion of my GP training I trained within Woman’s health within the Family Planning clinic at Dean Terrace, Edinburgh, working within the contraception, community gynaecology and menopause clinics there, completing coil and implant insertion training.

In 2003 I joined the NHS Education Scotland Higher Professional GP Fellowship programme. I was involved in undergraduate training at Edinburgh University, studied for a Masters Degree in Primary Care at Queen Margaret University, whilst continuing clinical sessions in general practice. Following this I worked in various practices throughout Fife and the Lothians as a sessional GP until 2006, when I became a NHS GP partner in Fife. I am interested in Quality Improvement and was the Quality Cluster Lead for South West Fife from 2018-2022.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Lorna Donaldson at Spire include:

General practice

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Professional memberships


GP Partner Inverkeithing Medical Group, Fife

I live in Edinburgh and am married with two children and have a tortoise, named Pancake.