Dr Maadh Aldouri

Consultant in Haematology


Specialises in

  • Blood cancers
  • Blood disorders
  • Lymphoma
  • Thrombosis

I have extensive experience in the management of haematological disorders and supervision of the haematology laboratory and blood transfusions. I have been head of haematology services at Medway Maritime Hospital since 1999, and have regular clinical sessions at King's College Hospital.

I have long experience in management of haematological malignancies, investigation of patients with anaemia or abnormal white cell and platelet disorders, and management of patients with thrombotic complications. I follow national guidelines in management of patients and present them in regional multidisciplinary meetings. I carry out bone marrow examinations for diagnostic and follow up purposes, and arrange for chemotherapy delivery privately when indicated. I also carry out venesection procedure for management of polycythaemia or iron overload (hereditary haemochromatosis).


General Medical Council Number: 3037719

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Maadh Aldouri at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Coagulation
  • Haematological oncology

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Additional information

Haematological oncology

Professional memberships

Royal College of Pathologists

Royal College of Physicians

British Society of Haematology

Consultant Haematologist, Clinical Director of Pathology, Medway Foundation Trust and Dartford and Gravesham Trust.

Consultant Haematologist, King's College Hospital.

Telephone Insured 01634 662 822 || Self-pay 01634 662 866
Private secretary Lyndsay
Private secretary telephone 01634 975 856
Private secretary email lynsey@medicalsecserv.co.uk