Dr Matthew Leech

Dr Matthew Leech

General Practitioner


"I thoroughly enjoy working at Spire where I can provide personalised and ongoing care to my patients and their families helping people lead happy and healthy lives."

I am a GP with a passion for providing only the highest quality of care to my patients. I believe in the importance of actively listening to my patients to truly understand their concerns and health priorities. In addition to treatment of minor illness, I also help patients manage and optimise their ongoing long term health conditions. I also have a passion for proactive and preventative lifestyle medicine. I work with many patients on an ongoing basis, providing them with support to take control of their health to live happy and healthy lives. I have extensive experience as a private GP and helping my patients navigate both the private and NHS medical sector to find the right treatment for them.

I see patients with any new illness presentation including but not limited to:

  • Women’s health including contraception, menopause and HRT advice.
  • Men’s health including prostate concerns and erectile dysfunction.
  • Mental health including depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia.
  • Paediatrics, I see all childhood illness of any age.
  • Cardiovascular disorders including chest pain, high blood pressure, palpitations.
  • Respiratory disorders including asthma, COPD, shortness of breath, cough.
  • Gastroenterology such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion, bloating and IBS.
  • Urological conditions such as urinary tract infections or overactive bladder.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, shoulder and knee pain and other joint concerns.
  • Dermatology conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and initial diagnosis and management of benign and potentially cancerous skin lesions.

I hold a diploma from Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Women’s Health and specialise in menopause management including HRT. I also work as a partner at an NHS GP practice in Lymm where I specialise in men’s health, musculoskeletal conditions including joint injections and dermatology complaints including minor surgery. I am a trainer in medical education and hold the position as GP clinical lead for Maternity, Children and Young People services in Warrington place.

In my spare time I coach junior rugby and football, and I love hiking with my wife and 2 children and a very large mountain rescue dog. I also love reading, keeping fit and cooking when time permits.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Matthew Leech at Spire include:

General practice

Private GPs

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Additional information

MBcHB(Hons) / University of Birmingham / 2013
Medicine and Surgery

BSc(Hons) / Manchester Metropolitan University / 2008

MRCGP / Membership Royal College General Practitioners / 2019
Membership Royal College General Practitioners

DRCOG / Diploma Royal College Obstetrics and Gynaecology / 2020
Diploma Royal College Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Professional leadership

I currently hold the position of GP Clinical Lead for Maternity, Children and Young People, for Warrington Place which is part of the Chesshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB).

NHS GP Partner. I am currently practicing as a GP partner at Brookfield Surgery in Lymm, Cheshire

I also hold the position of GP Clinical Lead for Maternity, Children and Young People, for Warrington Place.

In my spare time I love to spend time walking with my wife, two young children and a very large mountain dog. I help coach my sons Rugby and Football teams and I love keeping physically and mentally fit through cycling, swimming and crossfit training, as well as trying to cook on occasion.