Dr Paul Guyler

Dr Paul Guyler

Consultant Physician


Specialises in

  • General medicine
  • Geriatric medicine
  • Stroke medicine
  • Vascular medicine including minor stroke
  • Funny turns

I am a Physician with a specialist expertise in Stroke and Vascular Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and General Medicine. My professional interests cover all aspects of these areas including TIA (Transient Ischaemic attacks – minor stroke), Atrial Fibrillation and anticoagulation.

In 1993, I undertook a BSc at the Atkinson Morley Neuroscience Center, London with research evaluating medication used to combat complications in subarachnoid haemorrhage. I graduated from St George's Hospital Medical School, London, and trained in my specialties in London (South West Thames Region) before moving to take up a post in Southend in 2007. I became Lead Consultant in Stroke medicine in 2010 and have led the stroke team to provide excellence in quality of stroke care and innovation which has been backed up by multiple independent healthcare awards (including National Health Service Journal, Health and Social care, and Quality in anti-coagulation awards).

Stroke and vascular medicine is about medical problems which ‘fur up arteries’, and cause damage to the brain – usually via a blood clot blocking a cerebral artery, or a burst blood vessel causing brain haemorrhage. I have particular expertise in carotid artery atherosclerosis and treatments for preventing stroke - these include conditions such as atrial fibrillation (AF), hypertension and cholesterol disorder.

Stroke and vascular disease is an increasing problem in our community, and routine care often requires some specialist input. People with early arterial atherosclerosis (particularly if found in the carotid arteries), who have a history of stroke in the family, or who have suffered TIA or stroke, often have concerns about choice of treatment, the complications of stroke disease or their proposed medications and what the future holds; I am able to provide information and care to patients with these conditions.

I have previously contributed to many regional and national specialist roles; these include: Honorary Consultant at Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust for Stroke Telemedicine, Lead for Acute stroke in Essex Cardiac and Stroke Network, Lead for Stroke in Essex and Hertfordshire Comprehensive Local Research Network, Lead consultant to the East of England Stroke Forum Steering Group, National Stroke Improvement Programme Associate, Member of National Priority project stroke prevention: managing atrial fibrillation (part of NHS Improvement) and Meeting secretary to NE Thames British Geriatric Society.


General Medical Council Number: 4415644

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Paul Guyler at Spire include:

General medicine

Geriatric medicine

Other treatments

  • Appropriate use of medication/polypharmacy
  • General medicine
  • Geriatric medicine
  • Holistic approach to patients’ medical problems and medication
  • Investigation of ‘funny turns’ or unresponsiveness
  • Issues around anticoagulation to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation
  • Management of complicated high risk cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease
  • Prevention of stroke and atherosclerosis (‘furred up arteries’)
  • Stroke medicine
  • Vascular medicine including TIA (Transient Ischaemic attacks – minor stroke)

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Additional information

Special clinical interests: Stroke and TIA (Minor Stroke), funny turns, falls, management of complicated high risk cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease. Atrial fibrillation and warfarin management, treatment of focal spasticity after stroke. Appropriate use of medication/polypharmacy.

Professional memberships

British Association of Stroke Physicians

British Geriatric Society

Royal College of Physicians, London

Member of National Acute Stroke Group for the NIHR Stroke Research Network

I am very actively involved in research, and I am Principal Investigator for various multi-centre international studies. I have a particular interest in:

  • Anticoagulation
  • Antihypertensive medication in stroke
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Genetics of lacunar stroke
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Multiple organ vascular disease
  • Prevention of stroke and atherosclerosis (‘furred up arteries’)
  • Stroke and TIA

Lead Consultant Physician in Stroke Medicine and Consultant in General Medicine and Geriatric Medicine, Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

I believe in honest and open communication with patients at all times. I aim to provide a 'down to earth' realistic approach to issues, whilst offering specialist professional advice.
I have always reveled in playing and watching sport (particularly football and cricket, but any will do!). I enjoy spending time with my family – our four boys keep me well grounded! I also enjoy travelling, hill-walking and good food/fine wine.