Dr Peer Mohamed

Dr Peer Mohamed

Consultant Pulmonologist (Respiratory Physician)

MBBS, MRCP (Resp. Medicine), FRCP (London)

"The facilities are second to none. The atmosphere is welcoming, supportive and friendly. The team take enormous pride in what they do and are committed to a single goal of enhancing patient care."

I am a Consultant Pulmonologist (Respiratory Physician) practicing medicine for 22 years. I am a GMC registered specialist, having completed CCT in respiratory medicine. I trained in Respiratory Medicine at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff.

I have been practicing Respiratory medicine over a decade and my areas of interest include a wide range of adult respiratory conditions including Chronic cough, Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma, Asthma, COPD, Pleural diseases, Respiratory infections (Pneumonia), Bronchiectasis, Interstitial lung disease - lung fibrosis, Sleep apnoea, Lung Nodules, Targeted Lung Health Check, Screening for Lung Cancer, Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary interventions and Cardiopulmonary exercise test.

My particular special interest is in thoracic oncology (Lung cancer, Mesothelioma, metastatic (secondary cancer spread in lung) cancers, and mediastinal tumors and I have broad experience in diagnosing and managing lung cancer through a multidisciplinary approach.

To date, I have completed over a thousand bronchoscopy and EndoBronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) procedures. I am a competent and skilled operator of Thoracoscopy.

I have particular specialist skills in interventional pulmonology. I regularly run interventional pulmonology services such as Endo Bronchial Ultrasound (EBUS), Bronchoscopy, Thoracic USG guided Pleural procedures, Chest Drains and Indwelling Pleural Catheters.

I pride myself in paying particular attention to listening to my patients, their symptoms and medical problems which is the key in diagnosing any medical condition. I have a vast experience in diagnosing and treating adult respiratory conditions and arrange diagnostics such as Chest X-ray, Lung function tests, CT scans and Thoracic USG as appropriate to their respiratory conditions. I have a dedicated and highly skilled team comprising of Thoracic surgeons, Thoracic Radiologists, Specialist Nurses and Respiratory Physiotherapists.

In my previous post, I set up a new EBUS service at Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn, to facilitate local patients get faster and better access to their most needed diagnostic service at their local hospital.

My NHS practice is at Lister Hospital, East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and I am clinical lead for Thoracic Oncology. I also oversee the Clinical Governance framework of the Respiratory Department.

I am the clinical lead for Thoracic Oncology and I chair the weekly Lung Cancer MDT meetings at Lister Hospital, Stevenage. I also chair the Clinical Governance Meetings in the Respiratory Department at East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.

I am a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London and a member of the British Medical Association, European Respiratory Society and American College of Chest Physicians.

I held an honorary position as Faculty Member of the regional USG Teaching Course at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff and I held various teaching positions.

I received a Clinical Excellence Award for my NHS practice.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Peer Mohamed at Spire include:

Respiratory medicine

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Additional information

Chest medicine
Chest radiology
Lung cancer
Lung disease
Respiratory medicine
Respiratory pathology
Sleep disorders
Thyroid surgery

MBBS / Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai, India / 2000
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

Professional memberships

MRCP (Respiratory Medicine)


British Medical Association (BMA)

European Respiratory Society

American College of Chest Physicians

International Association for Study of Lung Cancer

Professional leadership

Clinical Lead for Thoracic Oncology at East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Lead for Respiratory Clinical Governance at East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

At Swansea University, I participated in a fundamental research project investigating biological mechanisms, demonstrating impaired blood neutrophil function in patients with COPD.

My appetite for research is in fundamental biological principles of Respiratory conditions and Lung cancer.

Consultant Pulmonologist & Clinical lead for Thoracic Oncology, Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

I enjoy playing cricket and I am an enthusiastic cyclist. I love spending time with my family. I am an avid practitioner of Meditation.

Website https://www.hertslungclinic.com
Private secretary telephone 020 3100 6934
Private secretary email secretary@hertslungclinic.com