Dr Piotr Buczkowski

Dr Piotr Buczkowski

Consultant Anaesthetist - Pain Management


Specialises in

  • Back pain
  • Pain management
  • Joint pain injections

I graduated from the Medical Academy in Gdańsk, Poland and completed my post graduate anaesthetic training at University Hospitals in Leicester. I work as a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at the Royal Derby Hospital and live with my family in Leicester.

I maintain links with my home country and am Past President of the Interventional Pain Medicine Section of the Polish Pain Society.

I see patients with chronic pain of any origin but specialise in the diagnosis and interventional treatment of spinal pain. I base my clinical practice on the best evidence and recommendations of the International Spinal Intervention Society of which I am a member. I diagnose the source of spinal pain using highly selective fluoroscopy guided local anaesthetic blocks and provocation procedures and work closely with spinal surgeons and physiotherapists. I also undertake medico-legal work.

I offer the following treatments: nucleoplasty (alternative to surgery, minimally invasive treatment of a prolapsed disc), epiduroplasty (treatment of adhesions in the epidural space caused by previous disc prolapse or spinal surgery), radiofrequency treatment of nerves conducting pain, sympathetic nerve blocks, neuromodulation techniques and medications.

I accept referrals both from GPs and from other Consultants. I am happy to conduct consultations in English or Polish.


General Medical Council Number: 5195715

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Piotr Buczkowski at Spire include:

Pain management

Other treatments

  • Anaesthetics: Pain management.

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Additional information

Pain management

Special clinical interests: Chronic pain, spinal (lower back and neck) pain, persisting pain after injuries or operations, neuropathic pain, complex regional pain syndrome.

LEKARZ / Gdańsk, Poland / 1992
Medical Degree

FRCA / London / 2002
Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

FFPMRCA / London / 2007
Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists

Professional memberships

Royal College of Anaesthetists

International Association for the Study of Pain

General Medical Council

International Spine Intervention Society

Polish Pain Society

Difficult Airway Society

I am married with three children. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family.