Dr Rhys Hewett

Dr Rhys Hewett

Consultant Gastroenterologist


Specialises in

  • Diagnosis and treatment of all gastrointestinal conditions
  • Management of functional bowel disorders

I am an experienced gastroenterologist, having qualified as a doctor in 2003 and appointed as a consultant in 2017. I specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of all gastrointestinal conditions and am an expert in the management of functional bowel disorders such as functional dyspepsia and gastroparesis.

I have a particular interest in clinical nutrition, malabsorptive conditions and oesophageal disorders such as gastro-oesophageal reflux, oesophageal dysmotility, eosinophilic oesophagitis and Barrett's oesophagus.

I have extensive experience and expertise in performing gastroscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy and my key performance indicators are excellent.

I am an accredited endoscopy trainer and have performed over 3,000 colonoscopies and 5,000 gastroscopies. I was the clinical lead for nutrition in Cardiff for six years and have extensive experience in managing patients with intestinal failure.

I was head of the Welsh intestinal failure service (based at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff) between 2017 and 2024. In 2024, I moved to the Royal Gwent hospital to pursue an advanced endoscopy role and I am accrediting to be a bowel screening Wales colonoscopist.

I have an interest in medical education and was the educational faculty lead for medicine in Cardiff and an examiner for Cardiff University medical school.

I have had a number of original research and review articles published in international gastroenterology journals.


General Medical Council Number: 6075160

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Rhys Hewett at Spire include:



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Additional information

Bowel cancer
Bowel disease

MBBS / St George's Hospital, London / 2003

MRCP / London / 2007
Member of the Royal College of Physicians

MSc (Merit) / King's College, London / 2012
I was awarded an MSc in nutrition with merit from King's College hospital in London after undertaking research in to small bowel nutrient receptors.

MD / University of London / 2017
Doctor of Medicine
I was awarded a doctor of medicine by research degree in 2017 after undertaking research into oesophageal diseases at in the GI physiology departments of the Royal London hospital and St George's hospital, London.

FRCP / London / 2021
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians

Professional memberships

Member of the Welsh Association for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (WAGE)

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP)

I live in Cardiff with my wife and three young children. I am a member of Llandaff rowing club and love spending any spare time on the river.

Telephone Self-Pay: 02920 542 509
Private secretary Loredana Lukacs
Private secretary telephone 07852 441 777
Private secretary email infoenergeiamedical@gmail.com