Dr Samer Al-Sabbagh

Dr Samer Al-Sabbagh

Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist


"I love working here at Spire Cambridge Lea, excellent facilities, amazing friendly team that make my patients and I appreciate the atmosphere and the support. The experience here is second to none!"

Specialises in

  • Endocrinology and diabetes
  • Thyroid and gonads
  • Parathyroid
  • Adrenal and pituitary disease

I have been a consultant for 10 years and have gained considerable experience in dealing with various aspects of endocrine diseases. I specialise in endocrinology and diabetes with special interests in thyroid, gonads and ED, parathyroid, adrenal and pituitary disease.

Currently, I am the lead for diabetic feet, endocrine oncology and hyponatraemia in my trust. I am actively involved in teaching. I have special interests in new therapies and technologies in diabetes and endocrine care. My main endocrine interests are adrenal, pituitary, gonads and thyroid disease.

After obtaining my Medicine Diploma from Damascus Medical School, I completed my postgraduate training in general medicine in Damascus University Hospitals and achieved two qualifications in general medicine - GIM. Following this, I was involved in research in diabetic foot disease with Professor Andrew Bolton in Manchester Infirmary between 1999-2001. After obtaining MRCP UK.

I specialise in diabetes and endocrinology at Ipswich and Cambridge University Hospitals. In 2009 after CCST, I worked in my first consultant post at West Hertfordshire NHS trust before moving to Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Trust. I Joined East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust in 2011 and was appointed to a substantive post at the trust in 2013.


General Medical Council Number: 5204477

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Samer Al-Sabbagh at Spire include:

Endocrinology and diabetes

Other treatments

I am specialised in various aspects of endocrinology, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal,pituitary and gonads disease.

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Additional information


MD / Medical School, Damascus University / 1994
Medicine Diploma

Professional memberships

The British Endocrine Society

The Association on British Clinical Diabetologists

The British Medical Association

Professional leadership

I am the diabetic foot lead in my trust. I have interests and co-lead the following areas: hyponatraemia, endocrine aspects of oncology, diabetic renal disease and adrenal disease.

Consultant Physician in Diabetes and Endocrinology, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Email samer.alsabbagh@nhs.net
Private secretary Justine Stewart
Private secretary telephone 07760 101913
Private secretary email justine.stewart@nhs.net