Dr Sandeep Basavarajaiah

Dr Sandeep Basavarajaiah

Consultant Cardiologist


Specialises in

  • General cardiology
  • Sports cardiology
  • Invasive heart investigation and treatment

Languages spoken

English, Hindi, Urdu

I am a consultant cardiologist based at Good Hope Hospital and Heartlands Hospital. I also provide community clinics at Samuel Johnson Hospital in Lichfield. I am proficient in all aspects of general cardiology; interpret heart tracings (ECG) including ambulatory heart tracings, 24-hour BP recording, undertake echocardiogram (ultrasound scan) and exercise stress test (treadmill).

My area of sub-speciality interest is interventional cardiology (placing stents in heart arteries) in both stable and un-stable settings. I have undertaken over 1,500 angioplasties since 2014 and have also trained several trainee cardiologists. I also undertake complex high-risk interventional heart procedure especially chronically blocked arteries and lead the service heartlands. I have collaboration with Japan and regularly undertake workshop at Heartlands where we undertake complex heart procedures.

To date, I have performed over 2,500 angioplasties (over 1,500 as a consultant cardiologist). I do around 300 angioplasties annually of which 150 cases are complex heart procedures.

I am also the research lead at Heartlands hospital and undertake several research projects to improve patient care. I also regularly arrange several academic activities regionally and nationally. I also have interest in sports cardiology having had MD (Doctorate in Medicine) from King’s College Hospital, London on Athlete’s heart. I have assessed over 3,000 athletes by performing ECG and echocardiogram with the help of cardiac risk in the young (CRY) who supported my research between 2005-2007.


General Medical Council Number: 5208847

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Sandeep Basavarajaiah at Spire include:


Sports and exercise medicine

Other treatments

  • Coronary angiogram and stent placement
  • Investigations of the heart (ultrasound, ECG, exercise stress test, 24hr ECG and blood pressure)

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Additional information

Arrhythmia (Electrophysiology)
Congenital heart disease
Coronary artery disease
Interventional cardiology

Special Clinical Interests: sports cardiology, heart failure.

MRCP / Royal College of Physician, London / 2005
Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians

MBBS / Vijayanagara Institute of Medical Sciences, India / 2011
Bachelor of Medicine

MD / King's College, London / 2011
Doctorate in Medicine

Professional memberships

British Cardiac Interventional Society

General Medical Council



Professional leadership

I am the MAC member at Spire Little Aston, I am the audit and research lead at Heartlands and Good Hope hospital.

University Hospitals Birmingham (Good Hope Hospital and Heartlands Hospital)

I enjoy spending my spare time with my lovely family (wife and 2 kids) and have very balanced life. I love travelling with my family. I have adventurous hobbies such as regularly taking part in triathlons, fun runs and skiing. I also enjoy cooking, trying to cook different cuisines.

Telephone Self-pay: 0121 580 7119
Private secretary Jo Horton
Private secretary telephone 07508 636 589
Private secretary email johorton@sky.com