Dr Sanjeev Pattni

Dr Sanjeev Pattni

Consultant Gastroenterologist


Specialises in

  • Bowel disease
  • Endoscopy, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy
  • Gastroenterology cancers and motility disorders
  • Diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts
  • Sees adults only at Spire Leicester Hospital

I qualified from University College London in 1999 and completed my medical training as a doctor in London with brief spells in Cambridge and Perth, Australia. I completed my gastroenterology training in London in 2013 having worked at hospitals including Imperial College Hospitals and St Marks Hospital in London, which is internationally recognised for its expertise in endoscopy, inflammatory bowel disease, and functional bowel disorders. I completed my Research MD in 2012 at Hammersmith Hospital, London, in bile acid malabsorption with numerous publications.

From 2013, I continued as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at University Hospitals of Leicester. I have specialist interests in small bowel diseases, chronic diarrhoea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and run specialist clinics in adolescent inflammatory bowel disease. I am an advanced colonoscopist for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, as well as the medical advisor to East Midlands Crohns and Colitis UK and have run many patient centred seminars. I have been IBD lead at UHL and I am now the head of endoscopy services; I am continuing my research interests and hope to set up a small bowel endoscopy service.

Spire Leicester Hospital has excellent diagnostic facilities and expert gastrointestinal radiologists and pathologists. There are up to date endoscopy services and endoscopies can be performed with sedation or under general anaesthetic. The comfortable and tranquil outpatients area allow me to perform personal and in-depth consultations.


General Medical Council Number: 4643340

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Sanjeev Pattni at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Bowel disease
  • Gastroenterology cancers
  • Hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
  • Motility disorders
  • Nutrition problems. 

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Additional information

Bowel disease
Gastrointestinal pathology
Gastrointestinal surgery
Inflammatory bowel disease
Motility disorder

Special clinical interests: Bowel disease, upper and lower (colonoscopy) diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy, gastroenterology cancers, gastroenterology pathology, hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, motility disorders and nutrition.

BSc / UCL / 1996
Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience

MBBS / UCL / 1999
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MRCP / London / 2004
Member of the Royal College of Physicians

MD / Imperial College / 2013
Research Doctorate

Professional memberships

Royal College of Physicians (London)

British Society of Gastroenterology

Small bowel diseases, chronic diarrhoea including bile acid diarrhoea, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Consultant Gastroenterologist, University Hospitals Leicester

I enjoy spending time with my family and have roots in the East Midlands. My wife is a nurse and we have two young children, Shyam and Jai. I am a keen sports fan, playing regular club tennis in Loughborough, and enjoy travelling, scuba diving, and photography. English and Gujarati are my mother tongues. I also pretend to be a DIY and interior design enthusiast, but my wife often tells me to “stick to the day job!”

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