Miss Moneli Golara

Miss Moneli Golara

Consultant Gynaecologist


Specialises in

  • Treatment of menstrual disorders
  • Removal of fibroids
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Prolapse
  • Menopause and HRT

I am a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Barnet Hospital who delivers a high standard of clinical care to my obstetric and gynaecology patients. I qualified from University College Hospital in 1991 and have been working in obstetrics and gynaecology ever since.

I completed my training in hospitals across London, working in many centres of excellence such as Queen Charlotte’s, Guy’s and St Thomas’, and Chelsea and Westminster hospitals. I gained my MRCOG in 1997 and FRCOG in 2010. My main areas of interest are fibroids, menstrual problems, keyhole surgery, contraception and hormone replacement therapy, gynaecological problems in teenagers and other general gynaecological conditions.

As a woman and mother of two children including a teenage daughter, my main aim is to treat patients the way I would like to be treated, with empathy and respect, and providing all alternatives to enable patients to make an informed choice.

During my training I undertook two years in clinical research, mainly in conditions such as pre-eclampsia and prematurity, publishing many peer reviewed articles in relevant journals. I also contributed as an expert to the comprehensive pregnancy book 'My Pregnancy', published by Dorling Kindersley in 2011.


General Medical Council Number: 3544660

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Miss Moneli Golara at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Prolapse
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Removal of fibroids
  • Treatment of menstrual disorders
  • Menopause and HRT

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Additional information

Menstrual disorders

Special clinical interests: Fibroids (fibroid embolisation); menstrual problems; keyhole surgery; contraception and hormone replacement therapy; gynaecological problems in teenagers and other general gynaecological conditions.

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Barnet Hospital, Royal Free Hospitals NHS Trust.

Telephone 020 8901 5555
Website http://www.moneligolara.co.uk
Private secretary Emma Kaye / Katie Christie
Private secretary telephone 020 3327 6350
Private secretary fax 020 3327 6351
Private secretary email gynae@medicaladministration.co.uk