Miss Neela Mukhopadhaya

Miss Neela Mukhopadhaya

Consultant Gynaecologist / Menopause Specialist


Specialises in

  • Menopause specialist
  • Laparoscopy
  • Fibroids and ovarian cysts
  • Recurrent miscarriages and fertility problems
  • Paediatric gynaecology and menstrual problems

I aim to provide a high quality, personalised and individually tailored care. I passionately believe that all women and especially those with subfertility and recurrent miscarriages need a compassionate and approachable clinician who can instill hope and optimism.

Services provided: Management of recurrent miscarriages, management of early pregnancy complications, gynaecological and early pregnancy diagnostic scanning, management of subfertility, management of menstrual disorders and fibroids, menopause related gynaecological complications.

I undertook specialist training at St George's Hospital, London and East of England Deanery (Cambridge deanery). I worked at the Bourn Hall Clinic, Cambridge for three years and gained extensive experience in the management of subfertility. At St George's I trained in gynaecological and early pregnancy ultrasound for two years as a research fellow.

Currently, I am a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with Lead Consultant responsibility for early pregnancy and Emergency Gynaecological care at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Luton.

I am actively involved in the teaching and training of medical students and junior doctors. I am currently pursuing a masters in medical education and am a faculty member at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London. I am a regular delegate/speaker at national and international conferences and seminars.


General Medical Council Number: 5188159

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Miss Neela Mukhopadhaya at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Advanced fibroid surgery
  • Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis
  • Laparoscopic sterilisation

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Additional information

Menstrual disorders
Pregnancy (fetomaternal medicine)
Reproductive health

Special clinical interests: Advanced treatment of fibroids, early pregnancy and emergency gynaecology, fertility and reproductive medicine, subfertility, recurrent miscarriages, aesthetic gynaecology.

Miss Mukhopadhaya has completed the PROMISE (National trial for Progesterone in Miscarriages) as a Principal Investigator at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital. She has interests in research and continues to be actively involved in various national and local trials in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Book chapters

  • Practice SBA for MRCOG 2: Dr Neelanjana Mukhopadhaya Book published in Jan 2015 ISBN 978-93-5152-741-1
  • Co-editor of textbook on Recurrent miscarriages: Jaypee brothers publication (to be released in 2016)
  • World Clinics Obstetrics & Gynecology- Ovulation Induction (to be released in January 2016).
  • Chapters contributed: Role of progesterone in Ovulation Induction
  • A Practical Guide to First Trimester of Pregnancy: Jaypee brothers publication 2014 ISBN 978-93-5152-178-5 Chapter contributed: Sepsis
  • World Clinics Obstetrics & Gynecology - Postpartum Hemorrhage (2013). Jaypee Brothers publication ISBN 978-93-5090-424-4 Chapters contributed: Role at simulation training Major Obstetric Haemorrhage and Blood transfusion
  • Teenage pregnancy- FOGSI publication. (2013) Jaypee brothers. Chapter contributed: Teenage Pregnancy in the UK
  • The Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2nd Edition) Oxford University Press (Dec 2008). Edited by Prof S Arulkumaran Chapters contributed: Perinatal Mortality Maternal Mortality Substance abuse in pregnancy Malignancy and pre-malignancy of the genital tract History and Gynaecological examination Cancer screening in Gynaecology Benign neoplasms of the Genital tract
  • Mukhopadhaya N, Arulkumaran S. Epidemiology of cancers in men and women of reproductive age group. Postgraduate Book of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Orient Longman Publication) June 2008.
  • First Author of chapter on Oocyte donation in “A Text Book of In-vitro Fertilization and Assisted Conception” Editor Peter R Brinsden, Third Edition-Parthenon Publishing 2005.


  • Reviewer for Journal: I am a registered referee for Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (Impact Factor 2.08) with 2-3 reviews every year INVITED LECTURES IN 2013- 2015:
  • MRCOG 1 revision course Colombo, Srilanka 14th to 16th November 2015
  • Guest Lecture “Menopause and HRT” for lay public audience, Spire Harpenden Hospital 28th August 2015
  • Lead Moderator MRCOG 1 revision course Mumbai July 2015
  • Guest Lecture at “Female Health day” for GPs on 5th March 2015, Hatfield HRT: an update for general practitioners.
  • Guest Lecture: AICOG (All India Congress for Obstetrics and Gynaecology) January 2015. Chennai. India. Is progesterone therapy justified in unexplained recurrent miscarriages?
  • MRCOG revision course Mumbai, India January 2015
  • SBK, National symposium on “Developing the Gynaecology Services” Invited lecture on “One stop service in Gynaecology”. November 2014, Birmingham
  • MRCOG 1 revision course Indonesia, 21st to 24th October 2014
  • Chair for MRCOG1 faculty development day, RCOG, 16th September 2014
  • The Fourteenth International Conference 30th July - 3rd August 2014 Dilemmas, Controversies and challenges in sub-fertility obstetrics & Gynaecology, Chennai, India.
  • Panel Discussion Third party reproduction - Technical, legal, social and ethical issues. Moderator • Lecture: Pre IVF hysteroscopy and scoring - has it improved the outcome following embryo transfer?
  • Panel Discussion: How to reduce the increasing caesarean section rate and subsequent major maternal complications during the following pregnancy and delivery, Panelist.
  • Panel Discussion: Risk management in obstetrics, Panelist.
  • Chair for MRCOG 1 course RCOG, London, July 2014
  • Proact e-initiative on the management of at risk pregnancies. Panel discussion with India via webcast. June 2014 “Multiple Pregnancy: double trouble”?
  • NZ Yuva FOGSI 11-13th, Faridabad, India April 2014. “Salvaging the ovary: implications”. Key note lecture.
  • MRCOG 1 Revision course Kathmandu April 2014. Delivered 7 talks.
  • RCOG world congress (March 2014), India. Panel discussion in obstetrics, lecture on “use and abuse of oxytocin”
  • AICOG conference India (Jan 2014): Co-convenor for the practical obstetrics workshop and guest lecture on “role of imaging in non-tubal ectopics”
  • MRCOG 1 course Shanghai (Nov 2013); 6 lectures
  • FIGO-FOGSI conference: (India Sept 2013): “Biophysical profile”, what is the role?
  • IRM Thirteenth International Conference: what’s new in subfertility, Obstetrics and Gynaecology? Chennai, India August 2013. Keynote lecture, panel discussion and guest lecture


The hysterectomy story in the UK. Journal of Mid-life Health. 2013; Jan—Mar (4): 40-4

Childhood malignancies in children born after assisted Reproductive Technology. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 2009. 63(10):669-676

Conventional Myomectomy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2008 Aug; 22(4):677-705. Epub 2008 Apr 18

Problem- based learning in obstetrics- substance misuse in pregnancy. International Journal of Gynaecology &Obstetrics India 2008; Volume 11 (1): 25-33

Uterine fibroids: Impact on fertility and pregnancy loss. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine 2007; 17(11): 311-317

Reproductive outcomes after In- vitro fertilization. Reprint in Postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 15 2008; Volume 28(3).

The advent of international “mail order” oocyte donation. BJOG 2007; 114 (4): 510

Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Lead for Early Pregnancy and Emergency Gynaecology.

Clinical Director for Gynaecology at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.

Undergraduate Speciality Lead for University College Hospital students at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.

Convenor for Part 1 MRCOG International Courses for Royal College for Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Trained Coach and Mentor.

I am married to a Consultant Psycho-geriatrician and have two teenage boys. 

When not working, I enjoy spending time relaxing with my family. My personal hobbies are oil-painting and listening to classical oriental music.

Telephone 0800 585 112
Email secretary@neelamukhopadhaya.co.uk
Website http://www.neelamukhopadhaya.co.uk/
Private secretary Suzanne Johnson
Private secretary telephone 07593 572 499
Private secretary email suzanne.johnson@spirehealthcare.com