Mr Andrew Myatt

Mr Andrew Myatt


MBChB, FRCSEd (urol), PhD, FEBU

Specialises in

  • Scrotal lumps
  • Bladder problems
  • Urological oncology
  • Prostate disease

I graduated from Leicester University in 1996. I spent basic surgical training in Birmingham. From 2001 I performed formal research into the possible cause of benign prostate enlargement at Nottingham University leading to the award of PhD. I moved to Yorkshire for training in Urology in 2005. I quickly realised beautiful Yorkshire was to become my permanent home.

I concentrated on learning the management of patients with prostate disease, stone disease and kidney disease. I was fortunate to be taught by some of the best UK keyhole surgeons. By the end of my training I had performed an impressive number of keyhole kidney operations. In 2011 I went to study complex kidney surgery in Salzburg, Austria with one of the best and pioneering keyhole kidney surgeons in the world. I significantly improved my keyhole surgery skills and I am now one of the few keyhole surgeons in the UK with the skills to safely perform keyhole partial kidney removal.

I made sure that my training was long and packed full of operations under supervision despite having the opportunity to shorten my training, thus ensuring a well rounded, complete training in all aspects of general urology and specialised urological surgery.


General Medical Council Number: 4300560

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Andrew Myatt at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Benign scrotal lumps
  • Transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT)
  • Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)
  • Urethral cancer

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Additional information

Benign prostate diseases
Bladder/ kidney stone disease
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Prostate cancer
Urinary tract infections

Special clinical interests: BPH, Stone disease, Renal cancer, Upper tract laparoscopy.

MBChB / University of Leicester / 1996
Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of surgery

Consultant Urological Surgeon, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

I have a passion for dogs. Wooster is now nearly five and is a constant source of fun and relaxation for me. My colleague from Castle Hill Hospital owns his brother Jeeves. I chose a large breed dog that needs plenty of exercise to give the perfect excuse to explore the beautiful East Riding countryside and coast. I often take him to Fraisthorpe and Mappleton beach and with the Wolds Way literally on my doorstep Wooster and I have plenty of opportunity for lots of exercise. Since I've had him, I have lost two stone in weight!

Telephone 01482 672 444
Private secretary Claire Vizor
Private secretary telephone 01482 660256
Private secretary email