Mr  Arijit Mallick

Mr Arijit Mallick

Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon (Foot and Ankle)


"The staff are very friendly and always helpful and supportive. Patients get an excellent overall experience here as every staff member is 100% committed to very high degree of patient management."

Specialises in

  • Bunion removal and treatment
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Ganglion removal surgery
  • Ankle fusion, replacement, sports injury
  • Joint manipulation treatment and joint injections

I have 20 years of experience in Trauma and Orthopaedics. I undertake all types of foot and ankle surgery, ranging from ingrowing toe nail, bunion surgery and toe correction to complex deformity correction, sports ankle surgery, foot and ankle arthroscopic surgery, minimally invasive surgery, corrective fusion surgery of big and lesser toes, ankle and/or hindfoot and midfoot, achilles tendon surgery, tendon transfer surgery eg in foot drop or stroke or neuropathic deformity like CMT.

I routinely do corrective surgery for high arched cavo-varus foot and/or flat foot (Pes planus deformity) correction surgery. I undertake total ankle replacement and big toe replacement surgery. I also undertake correction of brachymetatarsia which produces significant short syndromes. I perform soft tissue surgery for calf tightness, plantar fasciitis and painful chronic compartment syndrome. I also undertake adolescent flat foot correction surgery with soft tissue procedures / arthroereisis +/- tarsal coalition resection. I am also trained in ring frame surgery and bone infection and non-union surgery.

To date I have performed over 200 forefoot (bunion and toe correction) surgeries, over 70 complex acute deformity corrections in grossly deformed feet and ankles, in the form of soft tissue correction surgery, tendon transfers and corrective osteotomies and fusions, over 100 complex ankle and pilon fractures are already done by me, including substantial numbers of talus, navicular and calcaneal fracture fixations, 25 arthroscopic ankle fusions and about 10 total ankle replacements, 100 diabetic foot surgeries, including bone infection and complex charcot deformity correction.

I have also done big toe (1st MTP joint) hemi-replacement, achilles tendinopathy surgery (both insertional and non-insertional), plantar fasciitis surgery, flat foot and cavus foot correction surgery, in young and elderly patients.

During my training period I gained 48 months of training in foot and ankle surgery alone, at registrar and senior registrar level, rotating between consultant firms. This was followed by a high powered National level Foot & Ankle Fellowship in the prestigious Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham for another 12 months, before taking up my consultant position in March 2017.

During my time as General Orthopaedic and Major Trauma consultant with special interest in Complex Foot and Ankle Surgery in Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust, I developed myself as a tertiary referral surgeon for complex deformity correction surgery in foot and ankle along with sports injury, diabetic foot surgery and bone infection surgery before moving to Basildon with my family to provide a similar service.

I chair the Foot and Ankle MDTs every month in Basildon University Hospitals and the orthopaedic side of diabetic foot MDTs once every two months across the Mid and South Essex trust. I am the main supervisor for foot and ankle audits and and have supervised two National Level multi-centre foot and ankle audits from Basildon under the BOFAS banner (UK FALCON Audits). I lead all the BOFAS accredited National Audit projects in Basildon and Mid & South Essex University Hospitals. I am supervising another very important multi-centre national audit from Basildon on incidence and prophylaxis of DVT in foot and ankle surgery (UKFATE audit).

I am one of two surgeons (one Orthopaedic and one vascular) within Mid and South Essex Trust, trialling BTM (Biodegradable Temporary Skin Matrix) for extensive deep and necrotising infections with skin loss, especially in diabetic foot surgery.

I have trialled and introduced the Pathpoint E-trauma electronic board in Basildon as part of unified tri-site trauma service. I have introduced a checklist to reduce the number of unnecessary cancellation of trauma cases. By using this checklist proforma junior doctors can optimise and prevent cancellation of cases.

My interest spans across all kinds of complex foot and ankle trauma surgery, complex deformity correction surgery of foot and ankle, foot and ankle arthritis surgery such as Total ankle replacement, ankle/subtalar joint/ talo-navicular joint and hindfoot corrective fusions, big toe joint fusion / replacement surgery, ligament and tendon surgery such as foot drop surgery, achilles tendon surgery, plantar fasciitis treatment including surgery for recalcitrant plantar fasciitis.


General Medical Council Number: 4570163

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Arijit Mallick at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Ankle fusion
  • Ankle replacement
  • Ankle sports injury surgery
  • Big toe joint /1st MTP joint replacement and fusion
  • Bone infection surgery
  • Complex diabetic foot surgery
  • Correction of short toes and metatarsals
  • Deformity correction
  • Syndesmosis surgery
  • Triple fusion

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Additional information

MBBS / University of Calcutta, India / 1991
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery;

FRCS / Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow / 1999
Fellow Royal College of Surgeons

FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics / Royal College of Surgeons London / 2015
Fellow Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships

Fellow Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow

Fellow Royal College of Surgeons London

Member British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (BOFAS)

Member Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeons (ADFS)

I have published in the following journals mostly as first or senior author:

  • Hip International
  • Bone and Joint Journal
  • Injury
  • American Journal of Hand Surgery
  • British and European Journal of Hand Surgery
  • Surgery
  • European Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
  • Journal of arthroplasty
  • Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
  • Journal Royal College of Edinburgh


Outcome of Hip fracture surgery in patients with preoperative reduced mobility:Hip International, Nov 2020

Physeal Injuries in Children: Book Chapter in “Surgery”:Jan 2017; Vol 35 2020;30(6)

Delayed Splenic Rupture in low energy fall in fracture neck of femur:J RCP Edinburgh; 2016;46

Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis: a diagnostic dilemma: JBJS, Jun 2016;6(2)

Angiosarcome around multiple revised Metal THR and literature review: J Arthroplasty, Feb 2009;24(2)

Experience of Total Hip arthroplasty in Klippel Trenauney Syndrome: EJOST, Jan 2007;17 (1)

Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mid and South Essex University Hospitals Group, Basildon University Hospital

During my free time, I like to spend time with my family and play cricket with my sons. I like to travel to explore new places and enjoy photography. I have also taken up painting, initially in my free time and now as an excellent means of stress relief and hobby. I am very interested in reading about history and geopolitics. I try to get involved in Essex Indian Community’s cultural events and aspects and try to get my sons involved to try to understand and build a relationship with their roots from India.

Telephone 01702 447 926
Private secretary Jo Willett
Private secretary email