Mr B Dev Sarmah

Mr B Dev Sarmah

Consultant Urologist


Specialises in

  • Urological cancer treatment
  • Prostate surgery
  • Vasectomy
  • Vasectomy reversal

I am a leading urologist in the West Midlands with over 30 years of Consultant-grade experience.

I offer a range of treatments for both prostate and bladder cancer. I also provide endourological surgery for benign prostatic enlargement, including both monopolar and bipolar TURP (much safer), in addition to Green Light Laser (GLL) prostatectomy. Within the West Midlands, I am a pioneer for day case Green Light Laser prostatectomy in selected patients, having carried out well over 200 of these procedures at Solihull Hospital.

I also provide a range of kidney stone treatments, with me offering outpatient lithotripsy, ureteroscopy with laser and percutaneous nephrolithotomy wherever suitable.

My main focus is providing day case surgical treatment for circumcision, hydrocele repair, varicocele ligation, epididymal cyst removal, vasectomy, as well as reversal of vasectomy.

I retired from the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (University Hospitals Birmingham) at the end of 2018 but continue to provide excellent, as well as dedicated, care to my private patients as well as supporting the NHS with part time Consultant led service.


General Medical Council Number: 1577710

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr B Dev Sarmah at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
  • Urinary calcular disease
  • Urinary stone disease including percutaneous renal stones
  • Urological cancers (including prostate and bladder cancers)

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Additional information

Bladder cancer
Prostate cancer
Urological cancers

  • Nephron sparing surgery for upper renal tract transitional cell tumours
  • Techniques at reducing bladder tumour recurrences

Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust.

If time permits, I like to cook Indian food, and in the summertime enjoy dusting down the barbeque! I have been a member of my local Rotary Club since 2001, was Club President twice, and continue to enjoy the fellowship and friendship immensely. I support Aston Villa Football Club, and am a season ticket holder with my son, although it can be stressful at times given their performances.

100% owns equipment – Bladder Scanner (Used in every clinic where necessary)