Mr Bijan Beigi

Mr Bijan Beigi

Oculoplastic, Orbital and Lacrimal surgeon


Specialises in

  • Oculoplastic surgery
  • Squint surgery
  • Eyelid and midface cosmetic surgery
  • Eyelid cyst surgery

I am a Complex Oculoplastic, Reconstructive, Lacrimal and Orbital Surgeon. I run an Ocular Adnexal Service in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and am also the Educational Supervisor in this Unit. I also run my private Ocular Adnexal and Oculoplastic service at Spire Hospital Norwich. I perform over 400 eyelid, mid face, cosmetic and reconstructive operations per year.

I am the founder of the East Anglian Oculoplastic and Lacrimal Group for regional audit and clinical governance (1999). I have been an external clinical advisor for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Senior Lecturer in UEA and also special clinical advisor to NICE for new surgical procedures.

I obtained my specialist register in 1999 and have extensive ophthalmic, oculoplastic and paediatric ophthalmic training in the UK (Bristol Eye Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital). I have been a visiting professor to various international congresses, organising lectures and oculoplastic workshops.

I contribute to scientific journals and am a member of the editorial board of a few international journals, such as Orbit. I have produced over 80 articles and delivered over 300 lectures nationally and internationally in this field.


General Medical Council Number: 4286174

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Bijan Beigi at Spire include:


Cosmetic surgery

Other treatments

  • Lacrimal disorders
  • Oculoplastic surgery
  • Paediatric ophthalmology
  • Squint surgery

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Additional information

Lacrimal disorders
Oculoplastic surgery
Paediatric ophthalmology
Squint surgery

Reconstructive and cosmetic eyelid, eyebrow and mid-face surgery, facial skin cancer, eyelid cancer, orbital surgery, thyroid eye disease, strabismus management and surgery

Professional memberships

Fellow, tutor, lead trainer and external clinical advisor to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists UK

Member of American & European Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Advisor to NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence)

  • Aetiology of lower eyelid entropion
  • Infra orbital nerve neuralgia in orbital fractures
  • Invented radiowave entropion surgery
  • Lower eyelid anatomy

Consultant Ophthalmic, Complex Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust

Lead of Ophthalmology, University of East Anglia

Social interests: Tennis, skiing and keeping fit.

Telephone Spire Norwich 01603 255 614 | Spire Ella May Barnes 01603 456 181
Private secretary Val Seaman, Claire Johnson, Michaela Hannah
Private secretary telephone 01603 324 545
Private secretary email