Mr Dan Rossouw

Mr Dan Rossouw

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

FRCS (Orth)

Specialises in

  • Shoulder replacement surgery
  • Shoulder arthroscopy
  • Shoulder stabilisation
  • Rotator cuff repair
  • Sports injury

I am a General Orthopaedic Surgeon teaching and working in a district general hospital.

My main special interest is shoulder surgery. I teach shoulder surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, and am keen to deliver techniques to benefit my patients.

General Medical Council Number: 2909338

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Dan Rossouw at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Arthroscopy
  • Shoulder surgery
  • Sports injury

Get in touch


Marketing Information

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We may contact you by email, SMS or phone about your enquiry. If we try to contact you by phone (mobile and/or landline) and you are not available, we may leave you a voicemail message. We may also use your details to contact you about patient surveys we use for improving our service or monitoring outcomes, which are not a form of marketing.

We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Additional information

Special Clinical Interests: Rotator cuff repair, knee replacement

Royal Free London NHS Trust.

I have an enthusiastic approach to work and teaching. I enjoy playing golf and am keen on classic motors.

Telephone 020 8901 5555
Private secretary Georgia Brice
Private secretary telephone 020 3161 1364
Private secretary email