Mr Daniel Thornton

Mr Daniel Thornton

Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon

MBChB, MRCS, MPhil, FRCS, Dipl Hand Surgery

"Spire Leeds provides comfortable clinic/ward environments, modern theatres and competitive cosmetic tariffs. The specialist nursing team are available to patients during their inpatient stay and post-discharge."

Specialises in

  • Cosmetic breast surgery
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger finger
  • Dupuytren's disease
  • Skin cyst and mole removal

I am a Consultant Plastic Surgeon with a specialist interest in hand surgery. I have a private practice at Spire Leeds Hospital.

The cosmetic operations I perform include breast augmentation, mastopexy (breast lift), breast reduction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), labiaplasty, brachioplasty (arm lift), blepharoplasty (eye bags), liposuction and correction of inverted nipples.

The hand surgery conditions I treat include carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s disease, ganglion and arthritis of the hand. Hand surgery is usually carried out under local / regional anaesthetic. Other procedures I perform include mole, cyst, skin tag, skin cancer excision and scar revision.

I perform over 1,000 cases a year between my NHS and private practice.

I have been in full-time NHS practice at Leeds General Infirmary since 2010 treating elective and emergency plastic and hand surgery patients. I am also actively involved in postgraduate surgical training and I am a member of the surgical team on the hand transplant programme.

I am the clinical lead for hand surgery at Leeds General Infirmary.


General Medical Council Number: 4311135

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Daniel Thornton at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery


Other treatments

Surgery for hand arthritis (fusion or joint replacements).

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Additional information

Aesthetic dermatology
Cosmetic breast surgery
Cosmetic surgery
Dermatological surgery
Hand surgery
Non-surgical cosmetic treatment
Non-surgical procedures
Plastic surgery
Skin cancer
Reconstructive surgery
Skin cancer

Special clinical interests: Dupuytren's disease, and nerve decompression (carpal tunnel/cubital tunnel syndrome).

MBChB / Leeds / 1996
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MRCS / England / 1999
Member, Royal College of Surgeons

MPhil / Sheffield / 2007
Master of Philosophy

FRCS / FRCS (Plast) / 2009
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons - Plastic Surgery

Diploma Hand Surgery / Manchester / 2010
Diploma in Hand Surgery

Professional memberships

Royal College of Surgeons of England

British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

British Society for Surgery of the Hand

General Medical Council

Medical Defence Union

Professional leadership

I am the clinical lead for hand surgery at Leeds General Infirmary

Consultant plastic, reconstructive and hand surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.

Honorary senior lecturer, University of Leeds.