Mr  Darren Chester

Mr Darren Chester

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

MB, ChB, MPhil, MRCS, FRCS(Plast) Awarded with McGregor Medal

Specialises in

  • Breast enlargement
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast uplift
  • Exchange of breast implants
  • Tummy Tuck

I have been a Consultant Plastic Surgeon for 10 years. I specialise in cosmetic surgery of the breast and abdomen. I perform breast enlargement, uplift surgery (mastopexy) and a number of different breast reduction procedures including vertical scar techniques. I treat patients with breast asymmetry and also those who require uplift surgery (mastopexy) and augmentation. I regularly perform abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), including mini-abdominoplasty and techniques following massive weight loss. I also offer body contouring procedures such as arm reduction.

In addition to these cosmetic procedures, I regularly remove skin lesions, moles, cysts and lipomas as well as performing scar revision surgery and treating keloid scars. In terms of facial plastic surgery, I perform blepharoplasty (a procedure to reduce excess skin on upper or lower eyelids), skin growth removal and ear correction, including split earlobes. I also carry out anti-wrinkle non-surgical injection techniques.

I have received rigorous, structured training in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery in the well-respected West Midlands training programme and was awarded the coveted McGregor medal for obtaining the highest mark in the Royal College of Surgeons Plastic Surgery examinations.

I am an approachable doctor and pride myself in my communication skills. I am keen to involve patients in decision-making and are fully informed, so treatment plans are tailored to their physical and social needs. I have previously managed a communication course for plastic surgery doctors in training.


General Medical Council Number: 4196752

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Darren Chester at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery

Other treatments

  • Amputation stump revision
  • Combined mastopexy and breast augmentation
  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • Repair of split earlobes or following ear gauging
  • Treatment for capsular contracture of breast implants

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Additional information

Breast surgery
Cosmetic breast surgery
Cosmetic surgery
Hand surgery
Non-surgical cosmetic treatment
Plastic surgery
Reconstructive surgery
Skin cancer
Soft tissue injuries

MB ChB, FRCS(Plast) / University of Birmingham / 1995
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Plastic
MB ChB are degrees awarded on successful completion of medical training at University.

Professional memberships

Royal College of Surgeons England

British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

British Medical Association

General Medical Council

University of Birmingham

  • Breast and abdomen surgery

I have a proven research track record with a Master of Philosophy degree in Surgery and over 20 peer reviewed publications in Plastic Surgery. I have delivered numerous papers and lectures at national meetings and published articles within the fields of breast reconstruction, hand surgery, burns and facial reconstruction. I also train plastic surgery doctors of the future and I am a Royal College of Surgeons Assessor, sitting on interview panels for consultant plastic surgeon appointments around the country.

Media Coverage

Obese vet is left unrecognisable after losing ten stone

Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Worcestershire Royal and Kidderminster Hospitals

I am interested in a number of sports and music. I am a keen keyboard player. I have an interest in medical history and own a collection of antique medical books.