Mr James Arbuthnot

Mr James Arbuthnot

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

MBChB, MRCS (Eng), FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Specialises in

  • Knee replacement
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Knee ligament surgery

I have been a Consultant Surgeon in trauma and orthopaedics with a special interest in knee surgery since 2008. I undertake only knee surgery which allows me to focus keenly on all aspects of problems affecting the knee. I treat young patients with sporting injuries such as ligament tears and strains, cartilage injuries and fractures and also patients with degenerative conditions of the knee. I find the treatment of early arthritis a particularly exciting challenge with new techniques developing that are proving very effective in reducing pain and maximising function.

I carry out a high volume of knee replacements too and also am often required to see patients who need revision (re-do) operations of a knee replacement. I carry out, on average, 75 to 100 knee replacements (total or partial) and 70 to 75 anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions per year. I have just completed an audit of 100 meniscal repair (knee cartilage repair) operations from the last three years. My sub-specialisation in knee surgery allows me to build a knee specialist practice that optimises outcomes for my patients.

Discover the next generation of knee surgery with Mako. I now offer robotic-arm assisted joint replacements at Spire Little Aston Hospital.

I work as a surgical partner in a knee specialist clinic providing knee and sports injury treatment (both surgical and non-surgical). The Midland Knee Clinic treats all patients with knee problems locally based in the Midlands, nationally and internationally. Outpatient and surgical services are offered in Solihull and Sutton Coldfield.


General Medical Council Number: 4449340

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr James Arbuthnot at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction
  • Cartilage repair/regeneration
  • Cartilage surgery
  • High tibial osteotomy
  • Knee surgery
  • Knee realignment surgery
  • Lipogems® therapy
  • Mako assisted knee replacements
  • Meniscal surgery (meniscectomy, meniscal repair, meniscal preservation surgery)
  • Osteochondral grafting
  • Partial knee replacement
  • Patella (kneecap) stabilisation
  • Patellofemoral knee replacement
  • Reconstruction/repair of knee ligament injuries
  • Revision (re-do) knee replacement
  • Sports knee injury management
  • Tendon injuries
  • Trauma and orthopaedic surgery
  • Unicompartmental knee replacement

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Additional information

Knee surgery
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injury

Special clinical interests: Knee reconstruction, including anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, and cartilage and meniscal injury.

MBChB, MRCS(Eng), FRCS (Tr and Orth) / University of Liverpool / 1997
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships

British Association for Surgery of the Knee

British Orthopaedic Association

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

  • Kinematics of knee arthroplasty
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction
  • Functional outcome of primary and revision knee replacement


Derek’s ringing endorsement for robot-assisted knee surgery
April 2021

Keep on moving into a healthy old age
February 2021

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (Good Hope and Solihull Hospitals)

I enjoy sports including rugby and was an enthusiastic amateur for 20 years - but I'm now long retired. Playing football, I represented English doctors in Italy vs England 1998. I provide match day surgical cover for Aston Villa FC first team. I dive and have my PADI, and am a qualified Open Water Diver. I enjoy outdoor pursuits, like walking and skiing, as well as travelling across Africa, Asia, Australasia, North America and Central/Eastern Europe. I also enjoy the theatre and reading. The majority of my spare time is spent with my young family.

Mr Jamie Arbuthnot is Chair of the Medical Advisory Committee at Spire Parkway Hospital.