Mr James Colville

Mr James Colville

Consultant Plastic Surgeon


Specialises in

  • Aesthetic surgery
  • Skin cancers
  • Hand surgery

I was appointed as a consultant plastic surgeon 11 years ago, sub-specialising in hand and reconstructive surgery having completed my training in a world class centre in the USA. I have also had expert training in cosmetic surgery and I provide a tailored service to fulfil patient requirements. I belong to a number of professional societies which demand high standards of its members.

I specialise in treating all aspects of hand surgery, traumatic injuries, fractures and nerve and tendon injuries and also longstanding conditions such as arthritis.

I have a great deal of experience in operating on skin cancers both in my NHS and my private practice. These cases usually need more complex reconstruction and I am proud of my results. I offer cosmetic surgery particularly for breast and abdomen, but also perform liposuction and nose and eyelid surgery and adhere closely to the British Association of Aesthetic Surgery guidelines, with comprehensive consultants and a second free consultation and use patient satisfaction forms issued by the association.

I have performed over 300 cosmetic breast surgeries in my career, and about 70 abdominal cases along with over 50 cases of ear reduction, liposuction and nose surgeries.

I have been lead clinician for introduction of Xiapex® to St George's Hospital. This is an injectable enzyme used to dissolve Dupuytren's disease which causes contractions in the fingers. I am the lead consultant for the teaching programme for the trainees at St George's Hospital and lead for research - I am now involved with the national research group which sets up trials for different treatments.

I am involved in the training of the medical students as well and am an examiner for the exit exam in plastic surgery just before trainees become consultants.


General Medical Council Number: 3565218

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Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr James Colville at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery

Orthopaedics - hand and wrist

Other treatments

  • Aesthetic surgery
  • Cosmetic surgery: nose, face, ears, breasts, body, hand and wrist
  • Hand surgery
  • Plastic surgery
  • Skin cancer
  • Wrist surgery

I treat children and young people from 12 to 18 years old.

I only perform upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), not lower eyelid surgery.

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Additional information

Aesthetic dermatology
Hand surgery
Skin cancer
Wrist surgery

Special clinical interests: All aspects of aesthetic surgery including breast and abdominal procedures, rhinoplasty, skin cancers, hand surgery including carpal tunnel, Dupuytren's, arthritis and trauma.

MBBS / University of London / 1992
Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of surgery

Professional memberships

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (BAAPS)

British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (BAPRAS)

British Society for Surgery of the hand (BSSH)

Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS Eng) and on the GMC specialist register for Plastic Surgery (FRCS Plast)

I have 17 peer review papers in the Journal of Hand Surgery (JHS), the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery (JPRAS), burns surgery and the annals for the Royal College of Surgeons of England. I also contribute to JPRAS as an editorial reviewer.

I enjoy travelling, cricket and rugby. I also spend time shaping the garden.