BclinSci (hons), MBChB, FRCS, MD, FRCS (GenSurg)
Specialises in
I specialise in vascular surgery with an interest in aortic aneurysm disease, endovascular intervention for peripheral vascular disease and minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins, (endovenous ablation and foam sclerotherapy).
To date, (2016) I have performed over 500 endovenous ablations for varicose veins, over 80 endovascular aneurysm repairs and more than 200 interventions for peripheral vascular disease over a six year period in both my NHS and private practice.
I trained in General and Vascular Surgery in Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester. I was appointed Consultant Vascular Surgeon on the Wirral in 2009. I have developed expertise with endovenous ablation for varicose veins and endovascular repair for aortic aneurysm disease.
I am an enthusiastic teacher and in my NHS practice supervise and train junior surgeons from the North West of England in the modern treatment of vascular disease.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Leith Williams at Spire include:
Vascular surgery
General surgery
MB ChB / University of Liverpool / 1994
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
A degree given to qualified doctors at the start of training
FRCS / London / 2008
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
British Society of Endovascular Therapy (BSET)
Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (VSGBI)
I am training programme director for vascular surgery in Mersey and Cheshire
I am surgical representative for the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) at Spire Murrayfield, Wirral
Telephone | 0151 929 5408 |
info@spirewirral.com | |
Private secretary | Louise Rule |
Private secretary telephone | 07546 731 177 |
Private secretary email | louise.rule@nhs.net |