Mr Mazhar Sheikh

Mr Mazhar Sheikh

Consultant Urological Surgeon

MBBS, MRCS, PG Dip Med.Sc, FRCS (Urol)

"Patient centred safe and friendly environment."

Specialises in

  • Bladder investigations (cystoscopy)
  • Circumcision
  • Vasectomy
  • Prostate
  • Erectile dysfunction

I am a Consultant Urological Surgeon with vast experience in endo-urological procedures. I manage common urological problems affecting both male and female patients including urinary symptoms, urinary tract infections, blood in urine, prostate, bladder conditions, kidney stones and ED.

I have been an NHS Consultant Urologist since 2016 providing acute and elective care to both male and female patients with urological problems. I qualified from the prestigious Dow Medical College, Karachi Pakistan in 1997.

I had my basic and higher specialist urological surgical training in tertiary care centres in Ireland and England. In 2014 I accomplished a fellowship in urology, and in 2015-16 I completed a clinical fellowship in laparoscopic urology.

I am actively involved in teaching medical students both at under graduate and post graduate levels. I am regularly involved through the faculty in the BAUS FRCS (Urol) revision course.

I am also an honorary visiting faculty member at Dow University of Health Sciences and Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation University of Dundee.

I am the General Secretary of DOGANE, an approved UK Charity representing one of the largest medical alumni groups in the NHS providing national and international educational and charitable facilities.


General Medical Council Number: 7011132

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Mazhar Sheikh at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Assessment and management of conditions causing blood in the urine (one stop haematuria clinic)
  • Bladder dysfunction assessment (including frequency, urgency, incontinence) and treatment
  • Diagnosing and management of kidney stones (including laser treatments and lithotripsy)
  • Erectile/sexual dysfunction and male infertility
  • Female urinary symptoms
  • Inguino and Peno-scrotal surgery (circumcision, vasectomy, epididymal cysts, hydrocele repair)
  • Male urinary/prostate problems (BPH treatments including TURP)
  • Urinary tract infections in both male and females patients
  • Urological cancer (prostate, bladder, kidney and testicular)

Get in touch


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Additional information

Benign prostate diseases
Bladder cancer
Bladder/ kidney stone disease
Erectile dysfunction
Female urology
Kidney cancer
Male infertility
Prostate cancer
Sexual dysfunction

MBBS / Dow Medical College Karachi, Pakistan / 1997
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
After completing my MBBS degree, I acquired basic and higher urological training in Ireland and England

Professional memberships

General Medical Council

British Association of Urological Surgeons

European Association of Urology

Professional leadership

I am the General Secretary of DOGANE, an approved UK Charity representing the one of the largest medical alumni group in NHS providing national and international educational and charitable facilities.
Life Member of APPNE
Life Member of the Patients’ Welfare Association

Consultant Urological Surgeon, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

I am happily married with two lovely children. I recently took cooking lessons and now enjoy sharing my recipes with my family and friends.