Mr Michael McNicholas

Mr Michael McNicholas

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

BSc, MB, ChB, FRCS (Edin & Glas) MD, FRCSEd (Tr & Orth), FFSEM RSCI

Specialises in

  • Knee arthritis treatments
  • Sports injury
  • Complex knee injuries
  • Keyhole surgery
  • Medicolegal negligence in knee surgery

Languages spoken


I am a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Liverpool University Hospitals Broadgreen, where I have a regional referral elective knee surgery practice treating all aspects of soft tissue knee pathology and sports injuries, with arthroscopy and ligament reconstruction, articular cartilage resurfacing, osteotomy and primary partial and total knee replacements. I have an Honorary Consultant contract in Manchester where I co-chairs the NorthWest Regional Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation and Joint Preservation service for its 7 million population.

I am a member of the Executive Committee of the British Association for Surgery of the Knee.  I was elected President of the UK Biological Knee Society in 2020 – 2023 and am now its immediate Past President. I was Honorary Professor at the University of Salford 2006 to 2018, Honorary Senior Lecturer Division of Cell Matrix Biology and Regenerative Medicine, University of Manchester since 2019 and in Liverpool from 2014 to 2020 and I was a member of the University of Leeds EPSRC Optimising Knee Therapies Advisory Board 2017-21. I am a member of the International Cartilage Regeneration and Joint Preservation Society General Board and Chaired of the ICRS Patient Registry Steering Committee 2019-23, and I am currently Deputy Chair of the Finance Committee.


I am a clinician advisor to NICE, associate editor and reviewer for several orthopaedic journals. I have written 19 book chapters, 32 Invited Editorials, over 67 peer reviewed publications, over 145 National and International Podium and over 100 Poster Presentations. I am faculty for train the trainer, training assessment in the clinical environment and advanced arthroscopy courses of the Royal College of Surgeons and I am regularly invited to faculty at national and international joint preservation, ligament reconstruction and arthroplasty surgery meetings.

I am involved in international collaborative clinical and basic science research, mainly related to knee disorders and have won awards for this. Current research interests include graphene and stem cell applications in knee injury; ligament reconstruction, osteotomy, cartilage repair and arthroplasty outcomes, and the treatment of focal articular cartilage defects and early arthritis using novel implants.


General Medical Council Number: 3405309

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Michael McNicholas at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Arthroscopy and ligament reconstruction in the knee
  • Articular cartilage repair
  • Focal knee arthroplasty implant treatment
  • Medacta personalised “My Knee” minimally invasive total knee replacement
  • Revision knee replacement
  • Sports injuries
  • Total knee joint replacement

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Additional information

Knee surgery
Orthopaedic medicine
Pain relief
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injury
Sports medicine

BSc / University of St Andrews / 1986
Bachelor of Science

MB ChB / University of Manchester / 1989
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

FRCS / Edinburgh / 1994
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons

FRCS / Glasgow / 1994
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons

FRCSEd (Tr and Orth) / Nottingham / 2000
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

MD / University of Dundee / 2000
Doctor of Medicine

FFSEM RCSI / Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland / 2004
Speciality Fellowship Exam

Professional memberships

British Orthopaedic Research Society

British Orthopaedic Association

British Association of Surgery of the Knee

International Cartilage Repair Society

International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

British Medical Association

Arthroscopy Association of North America

UK Biological Knee Society

British Orthopaedic Sports Trauma Association

European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy

European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Professional leadership

British Association for Surgery of the Knee Executive Committee Member
UK Biological Knee Society – Past President
The International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society - Committee member
UK National Ligament Registry - Steering Group Officer
Nat. Inst. for Health and Care Excellence - Clinician advisor
Advisory Board Member EPSRC - University of Leeds
Honorary Senior Lecturer - University of Manchester
Liverpool University Hospitals - Co-chair Orthopaedic Research Committee
Orthopaedic Product News Knee Conference Leeds - Chair
University College London - MD (Res) External Examiner

Michael McNicholas is an Honorary Senior Lecturer the University of Manchester since 2019. He was Honorary Professor at the University of Salford 2006 to 2018 and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool 2014 to 2020.

He has also been awarded grants of over £1.3 million.

Mr McNicholas is involved in international collaborative clinical and basic science research, mainly related to knee disorders and has won awards for this. Current research interests include graphene and stem cell applications in knee injury; ligament reconstruction, osteotomy, cartilage repair and arthroplasty outcomes, including their effect on return to golfing and the treatment of focal articular cartilage defects and early arthritis using novel implants.


19 book chapters, 32 Invited Editorials, over 67 peer reviewed publications, over 145 National and International Podium and over 100 Poster Presentations

Media Coverage

'Shock absorber' device for the knees is giving people immobilised by arthritis their lives back - without the need for joint replacement surgery.
Jan 2019

ACL reconstruction and the National Ligament Registry: what will it tell us?
Aug 2016

Focal resurfacing implants in the knee and partial knee replacements. ICRS Proceedings; Chicago.
Jan 2015

The Surgeon’s perspective on the Kinespring Implant - interview with Tina Tan, Clinica Magazine.
June 2013

The Goal Study launched at Aintree Hospital. BBC Radio Merseyside, Drivetime interview.
June 2011

Me and my operation: How a tiny toggle put the bounce back in my knees.
June 2011

Knee heat zapper to stop arthritis pain signals from reaching the brain.

2. How an almond-sized implant - which takes just 20 minutes to insert - could ease lower back pain with donor cells.

How depriving nerves of oxygen can help them heal and ease carpal tunnel syndrome: Short blasts of air with lower oxygen levels than normal could tackle nerve pain

Once a month jab could ease pain of arthritic knees: More than 600 people with knee osteoarthritis are taking part in clinical trials of the drug

Ceramic granules to treat backache: Around 100 patients trial new treatment of growing new bone around needle-shaped granules.

Jabs of bone marrow cells into spinal joints could soothe crippling back pain, research suggests

No more knee replacements? Implant that zaps the inside of the knee joint to stimulate the growth of cartilage could be a new way to tackle osteoarthritis

Why a jab of fat from your tum could ease arthritis: Worn-out joints may soon be treated with an injection after major trial.

The antibiotic jab that can ease back pain: Injection of acne-fighting medication could revolutionise agony that affects millions.

Remote Interactive Learning in Anatomy and Surgery

Focal resurfacing implants in the knee

Cartilage regeneration: How do we meet the increasing demands of an ageing population

Focal resurfacing implants in the knee and partial knee replacements

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Liverpool University Hospitals, Broadgreen.

Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

I travel a lot for work and pleasure. My other main interest outside medicine is sport. I regularly hike, sail, dive, swim and gym, and occasionally play Masters WaterPolo. I am a Royal Enclosure Member at Ascot and a member of the Bentley Drivers Club. I played water polo for Warrington and I am a St Andrew's University blue in swimming and water polo and Manchester University half maroon in water polo. I have college and university colours in volleyball. I have played rugby for my medical schools and combined Manchester Hospitals and for Madras FP RUFC.  

Telephone 01925 215 087
Private secretary Tracey Blackett
Private secretary telephone 07305 207 912
Private secretary email