Mr Mokthar Uheba

General and Colorectal Surgeon

MB BCh, FRCS (Gen)

I am an experienced colorectal surgeon working full time at both the Brighton Hospital and the Princess Royal in Haywards Heath.

I have trained at St Mark's Hospital, London, an internationally renowned centre for its excellence in colorectal diseases. Whilst there, I developed interests in surgery for haemorrhoids, especially rubber band ligation, and colonoscopy.

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Mokthar Uheba at Spire include:

General surgery

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Additional information

Colorectal surgery
General surgery
Laparoscopic surgery
Hernia repair surgery
Gallstone surgery

Special clinical interests: Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy, Endoscopy, Laparoscopic Surgery, Hernia Surgery, Haemorrhoids.

Professional memberships

Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland

Consultant surgeon, Royal Sussex County Hospital.

Telephone Insured 01273 828 030 || Self-pay 01273 828 148
Private secretary Carmela
Private secretary telephone 01273 627022
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