Mr Parto Forouhi

Mr Parto Forouhi

Consultant Breast Surgeon


Specialises in

  • Breast cysts
  • Breast disease
  • Breast pain
  • Breast problems
  • Breast surgery

I qualified from Edinburgh Medical School and completed my specialist surgical training in Newcastle and Edinburgh. I also trained in breast surgery at the Edinburgh Breast Unit.

Previously a consultant surgeon at Charing Cross and Ealing Hospitals, London, and Surgical Director Ealing Hospital. Joined Addenbrooke's as a consultant breast surgeon in 2004.

As well as my expertise in breast disease, I offer inguinal hernia repair surgery using an open technique, either with sutures alone (the Shouldice technique) or using a mesh.

General Medical Council Number: 2953722

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Parto Forouhi at Spire include:

Breast care and surgery

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Additional information

Owns 100% of the Sonosite Edge 2 Ultrasound system he uses at the hospital
Telephone 0122 326 6990
Private secretary Julie Dell
Private secretary email