Mr Per Hall

Mr Per Hall

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

MB, BChir, FRCS (Plast)

Specialises in

  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Tummy tuck
  • Mole removal

I was appointed as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in 1995 and have been working at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital ever since. My main field of interest at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital is cosmetic surgery, especially facial plastic surgery. Facial surgery includes face lifts, eyelid surgery, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), ear reshaping (otoplasty) surgery for congenital abnormalities and scarring.

I set up a service for children born with cleft lip and palate at Addenbrooke’s Hospital NHS Trust. These children often require facial reconstructive and rhinoplasty surgery into early adulthood. I offer a wide variety of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, from complex reconstructive surgery to more minor procedures. I have a long standing interest in skin cancer and its early detection using computer imaging.

The most common operation I perform is breast augmentation via either a sub mammary or sub muscular route usually with silicone containing implants. I also commonly perform breast reduction and breast uplift operations using traditional and short scar techniques (Lejour technique) and breast equalisation surgery for congenital abnormalities.

At the Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital there is both ultrasonic liposuction and traditional liposuction tools at my disposal and I perform liposuction techniques to improve the appearance of tummies, arms and legs.

I perform a range of procedures on the abdomen ranging from scar revision to mini abdominoplasty, traditional abdominoplasty and extended abdominoplasty for those with massive weight reduction.

I established a one-stop mole and skin cancer clinic which gives patients the opportunity to be seen, consulted and treated in one session, if appropriate. My research has been largely in the field of early detection of skin cancers to include novel imaging devices.


General Medical Council Number: 2866413

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Per Hall at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery

Plastic surgery

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Additional information

Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Addenbrooke's Hospital NHS Trust, Cambridge.

Telephone 01223 266 990
Private secretary Kirsty Ashman
Private secretary email