Mr Richard Hutson

Mr Richard Hutson

Consultant general gynaecologist and gynaecological oncologist


Specialises in

  • General gynaecology
  • Prolapse, fibroids and vaginal bleeding
  • Abnormal smears and colposcopy
  • Vulval skin disorders
  • Keyhole surgery

I am a consultant gynaecologist and treat menstrual disorders/fibroids/endometrial biopsies and vulval disorders including lichen sclerosus. Other treatments include removal of polyps, laparoscopic procedures including hysterectomies and removal of tubes and ovaries for both benign and malignant conditions. In addition I perform colposcopy and LLETZ for abnormal smears.

With regards to gynaeocological cancers - I treat ovarian, endometrial, cervical and vulval cancers.

I began subspecialty training in gynae-oncology in 1997 becoming a consultant gynaecological oncologist in 2001 at St James' Hospital where I currently work in the NHS. I undertake major laparoscopic procedures which enable patients to be discharged home sooner than would otherwise be possible after open surgery. At Spire Leeds Hospital I also do general gynaecological work.

My privacy notice is accessible via my medical secretary.


General Medical Council Number: 3055687

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Richard Hutson at Spire include:



Other treatments

  • Abdominal, keyhole and vaginal hysterectomy
  • Conservative and surgical management of prolapse
  • Laparoscopy for pelvic pain and endometriosis
  • Medical and surgical management of fibroids
  • Menopause management
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Prophylactic surgery for BRCA mutations
  • Vulval disorders

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Additional information

Menstrual disorders

MBChB / University of Leicester / 1985
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MD / University of Leeds / 2001
Doctor of Medicine

FRCOG / Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists / 2006
Fellow of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Professional memberships

British Gynaecology Cancer Society

British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology

British Medical Association

General Medical Council

Professional leadership

Chairman, Leeds gynaecological oncology multi disciplinary team meetings