Mr Tim Blackburn

Mr Tim Blackburn

Consultant Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgeon

FRCS (OMFS), Ed FRCS (Clin Surg in Gen) Ed, MBBS (Lon)

Specialises in

  • Face lift and mini face lift
  • Eyelid and brow surgery
  • Chin and facial sculpting
  • Ear reshaping
  • Facial blemish or scar surgery

I offer facelift, mini facelift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), genioplasty (chin surgery), otoplasty (ear surgery), liposculpture, laser and non-surgical cosmetic facial treatments.

I was appointed consultant in maxillofacial and facial plastic surgeon at Manchester Royal Infirmary in 2008 and clinical director for the department in 2013.

General Medical Council Number: 4536776

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Tim Blackburn at Spire include:

Cosmetic surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

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Additional information

Cosmetic surgery
Dermatological surgery
Facial surgery
Head and neck surgery
Non-surgical cosmetic treatment
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Plastic surgery
Reconstructive surgery
Skin cancer
Soft tissue injuries

Consultant Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgeon, University Department of maxillofacial and facial plastic surgery, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Consultant, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Clinical Lecturer, University of Manchester

I enjoy family life with my wife and four children. I play classical piano and Spanish guitar and I am now learning jazz piano and woodwork. I play golf, ski and follow football.