BMedSci, BM BS, FRCOphth
Specialises in
I am a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Spire Wellesley Hospital in Southend, Essex offering private eye surgery in our clean and comfortable private hospitals.
I obtained my medical degree at Nottingham University Medical School. As a senior house officer training in ophthalmology, I held posts in Stoke-on-Trent, St James University Hospital, Leeds and Bradford Royal Infirmary. I completed my higher surgical training as a specialist registrar in London. Hospital attachments included St George University Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital.
I spent a further two years training in my sub-specialty interest in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. This was undertaken as a clinical fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children and Moorfields Eye Hospital.
I am currently a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Southend and Orsett hospitals where I provide a general ophthalmic and cataract service and a specialist service in adult motility disorders including squints.
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Vernon Geh at Spire include:
Fellow of Royal College of Ophthalmologists
My research interests are developments in management of squints and the use of botulinum toxin motility disorders.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Southend University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
I enjoy foreign travel, gastronomy, cycling, rollerblading and playing the saxophone.