Mr Vikas Acharya

Mr Vikas Acharya

Consultant ENT Surgeon


I am a Consultant Rhinologist, facial plastic and ENT Surgeon working at Spire Bushey Hospital. I have been a consultant since 2024 and have advanced fellowship training in managing diseases of the nose and sinuses both medically and surgically as required.

I specialise in all aspects and diseases/disorders of the nose and sinuses as well as facial weakness/palsy. In particular I have a sub-specialised area of practice which includes, but is not limited to:

Blocked nose management - medical and surgical, surgical management of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia, complex nasal mucosal/sinus disease management (including vasculitis/septal perforation management), medical rhinology, facial function and reanimation surgery (including botox/filler for facial weakness/palsy), endoscopic sinus surgery and CSF leak repair, awake/local anaesthetic nose/sinus surgical procedures (including clarifix), smell and taste loss management.

I have performed over 3000 operations/procedures throughout my surgical career including over 100 highly complex operations for the surgical management of nosebleeds in patients with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT).

I also specialise in and have performed over 100 endoscopic sinus surgery procedures for those with a dental origin/cause (odontogenic sinusitis).

I am a proud member of several multi-disciplinary teams, where collaboratively we aim to support and help manage highly complex diagnoses and conditions to help patient care pathways and treatment journeys. The main complex case MDTs I am a part of, are a joint medical-surgical rhinology team, facial function team/clinic, craniofacial team and the complex nasal vasculitis MDT.

I have a passion for medical and surgical education and often organise and teach on various healthcare courses for medical students, junior doctors, surgical trainees and various healthcare professionals. This was solidified and enhanced by my learning process when I completed a Masters in Medical Education part-time, whilst working as a foundation doctor. I am particularly interested in overcoming barriers to learning in the workplace, simulation, practical skills enhancement and improving confidence and competence of junior doctors. As such, I am a member of the academy of medical educators, a fellow of the higher education authority and a member of the faculty of surgical educators.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Vikas Acharya at Spire include:

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Other treatments

  • CSF Leak repair
  • Functional septorhinoplasty
  • Septodermoplasty/nasal closure for HHT
  • Turbinoplasty/turbinate reduction

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Additional information

BMBS / University of Exeter / 2011
Batchelor of Medicine, Batchelor of Surgery

MA / University of Bedfordshire / 2013
Medical Education (Merit)

MBA / Birmingham University / 2021
Healthcare Management (Dist)

FRCS / Royal College of Surgeons (England) / 2022
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships


British Rhinological Society

British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery

European Rhinological Society

British Medical Association