Mrs Katarzyna Studnicka-Perkin

Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant


Languages spoken

English, Polish

I have been working as a Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Consultant since September 2023. My main interest lies with degenerative and traumatic conditions affecting hand and wrist.

I aim to use WALANT technique in majority of my cases which involves using local/regional anaesthetic as opposed to general anaesthetic and operations without the use of tourniquet. I have recently trained to use ultrasound in my surgical practice and developing my sonosurgery skills to master minimally invasive procedures in hand and wrist.

My specialist interest involve conditions affecting hand and wrist. The most common problems I treat in my practice are Dupuytren's disease, carpal tunnel, Trigger finger, hand and wrist pain, ganglions and sport injuries.

Over the period of 18 years of my NHS practice, I have been involved in approximately 4,500 surgical procedures with 75% of them performed as a first surgeon. In terms of the Hand and Wrist superficiality, I have completed 230 carpal tunnel decompressions including revisions, 150 joint injections, 35 cubital tunnel decompressions, 100 dupuytren contracture surgery, 50 trigger finger release, 30 ganglion removal, 15 PIPJ/MCPJ replacement, 25 PIPJ/DIPJ fusion, 50 Trapezium excision and 2 thumb CMCJ replacements.

I hold an International Diploma in Mountain Medicine I gained while working as an Expedition Medic during my junior doctor years when I traveled extensively.

I am qualified as an Advanced Life and Trauma Support Instructor at the Royal College of England.

I provide approximately 80 medico-legal expert witness reports annually, working both independently as well as via agency. I keep myself up-to-date attending Medico-Legal conferences and courses throughout the year.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mrs Katarzyna Studnicka-Perkin at Spire include:

Orthopaedics - hand and wrist

Other treatments

  • Finger joint fusion
  • Finger joint replacement
  • Needle fasciotomy
  • Thumb joint replacement

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Additional information

Hand surgery
Wrist surgery

MB ChB / Silesian Medical University, Katowice / 2005
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MRCS / England, UK / 2010
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons

UIAA/ICAR/ISMM / Kathmandu, Nepal / 2013
Diploma in Mountain Medicine

MSc / School of Engineering, Cardiff University, UK / 2016
Masters of Sciences - Orthopaedic Engineering

FRCS Orth / UK / 2021
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

RCSEd / UK / 2022
Fellowship exam in Sport and Exercise Medicine

Professional memberships

British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH)

British Orthopaedic Association (BOA)

International Dupuytren’s Society (IDS)

British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM)

Apart from spending time with my young family, I enjoy traveling and being outdoors, exploring the beauty of North Wales. My favourite sports include mountain biking, skiing, trail running and gym workouts. I have recently got a dog and discovered crisscross!

Telephone 07561 542 201
Email aimee@eliteclinicalmanagement
Private secretary Aimee