Professor Andrew Sinclair

Professor Andrew Sinclair



Specialises in

  • Prostate surgery
  • Bladder investigations and surgery
  • Vasectomy
  • Incontinence
  • Erectile dysfunction

I cover all aspects of core urology and therefore regularly see patients with all aspects of urological symptoms, haematuria, raised PSA, scrotal pathology and prostate disorders. My sub-specialty interests are laparoscopy, reconstruction, andrology including erectile dysfunction and implant surgery for incontinence.

I was trained in the North West before being appointed to Stockport NHS Foundation Trust as a Consultant Urological Surgeon. I operate mainly at Stepping Hill Hospital and Macclesfield General Hospital but also have clinics at Congleton and Knutsford.

General Medical Council Number: 4543471

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor Andrew Sinclair at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Artificial sphincters and slings
  • Botulinum toxin bladder injections
  • Prostate biopsy with MRI fusion, which allows for a more targeted biopsy 
  • Urethral reconstruction
  • UroLift - a treatment for enlarged prostate

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Additional information

Erectile dysfunction
Prostate cancer
Reconstructive urology

Special clinical interests: Bladder and Prostate cancer, Urinary symptoms, Loin pain(kidney stones), Incontinence, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy(BPH), Prostate Surgery, Blood in urine, Urinary Tract Infection, Raised PSA, Urethral Reconstruction, Scrotal Pathology, Artificial sphincters and slings, Botox Bladder Injections, Urodynamics, Urolift - a treatment for enlarged prostates, Reversal of vasectomy, Peyronies disease, Erectile dysfunction.

Clinically based research. Main area of interest is the process of Re-validation with a focus on developing objective methods of measuring patient experience.

Consultant Urological Surgeon, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Urological Surgeon, Macclesfield General Hospital

Additional NHS clinics: Knutsford Community Hospital and Congleton War Memorial Hospital

Telephone 01625 505412/505406
Private secretary Michelle
Private secretary fax 01625 501800
Private secretary email