Professor George Follows

Consultant Haematologist


I am a Consultant Haematologist at Addenbrookes Hospital, where I have also been appointed as the clinical lead for the Lymphoma / Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia service.

I hold a number of regional and national roles, including chairmanship of the UK CLL Forum and chair of the UK BCSH Hodgkin Lymphoma Guidelines Panel. Alongside this I am also the Clinical Research Lead for Haematology in the Eastern Region and Chair of the East of England Lymphoma MDT. Along with my large NHS practice, I supervise a number of clinical research trials treating Leukaemia and Lymphoma patients from my research clinic at Addenbrookes and continue to publish widely in the field of blood cancer research. I am also a partner in Cambridge Haematology Partners.

I do not see patients with bleeding disorders and am unable to advise of questions relating to thrombotic risk and prophylaxis. 


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor George Follows at Spire include:


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Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Addenbrooke's Hospital