Professor Mark Gallagher

Professor Mark Gallagher

Consultant Cardiologist


My field of particular interest is ablation for AF and other complex atrial arrhythmias.

I attended medical school and completed basic medical training and initial training in cardiology in Ireland, moving to St George's Hospital, London in 1996 to pursue subspecialist training in cardiac electrophysiology and pacing.

At that time, ablation as a treatment for cardiac arrhythmias was only a few years old. I was a research fellow and later a registrar and senior registrar at St George's from 1996 to 2002 as ablation therapy for SVTs and VT matured and as curative ablation for AF was first developed.

At the start of 2003, I moved to Rome where I started an interventional EP unit in the new university hospital "Policlinico Tor Vergata". I transferred from Rome to Cardiff in 2007 before returning the following year to St George's Hospital.

I have been the clinical lead in electrophysiology at St George's since 2009 and consistently the busiest electrophysiologist in the region, performing 450-500 procedures yearly, most of them complex ablations or complex pacing procedures.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor Mark Gallagher at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Cardiac devices
  • Electrophysiology
  • Implantable loop recorder
  • Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (bi-ventricular pacemaker)
  • Lead extraction
  • Pacemakers /pacing
  • Radiofrequency ablation

I treat children and young people from 16 to 18 years old 

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Additional information

Arrhythmia (Electrophysiology)
Atrial fibrillation
Interventional cardiology

St George's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust