Professor Peter Shah

Professor Peter Shah

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

BSc (Hons), MB ChB, FRCOphth, FRCP Edin, MA (Distinction)

Languages spoken


I am a Consultant Ophthalmologist working at University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) NHS Foundation Trust. I am the current President of the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society. I am the Co-Director of the Birmingham Institute for Glaucoma Research at the Institute of Translational Medicine at UHB. My main current clinical interests are in glaucoma care and glaucoma laser treatment – including Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT).

I am a founder member of the Midlands Glaucoma Society, past chair of the British Eye Study Group and a serving member of the Council of the Oxford Ophthalmological Congress. I am the leader of the “ReGAE” (Research into Glaucoma and Ethnicity) team, which is a multi-disciplinary team which aims to prevent avoidable glaucoma blindness in the diverse ethnic communities of the UK.

I am also a member of a team of ophthalmic surgeons providing charitable help and practical support to an Ophthalmic Unit in rural Tanzania.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Professor Peter Shah at Spire include:


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Additional information

Cataract surgery
Glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma and SLT Laser treatment.

  • Epidemiology
  • Medical and surgical treatment of glaucoma
  • Outcomes of glaucoma treatments
  • Patient involvement in glaucoma care
  • Ethnicity and social deprivation in glaucoma care
  • Care of patients with only one seeing eye
  • I have published over 150 research articles and lead a research team
  • I am Co-Director of the Birmingham Institute for Glaucoma Research

I am a past glaucoma section editor for “Eye” and a reviewer for many international journals. I have written four textbooks of ophthalmology and authored over 70 research publications. As a teacher I have organised many national and international symposia and courses, including the annual Birmingham Glaucoma Masterclass, the Royal College Glaucoma Surgery Masterclass and the Birmingham Trabeculectomy Wet-lab Academy. I have a long-term interest in patient safety and risk management and am a national teacher in these areas.

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

Consultant Ophthalmologist, Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre.

I was born and educated in Birmingham. My interests include squash, tennis, classical music, walking and mountaineering. I am married to a dermatologist and have three children. I am a keen writer of short stories and lyric essays.

Telephone Self-pay: 0121 580 7119
Private secretary Rochelle Evans
Private secretary telephone 0121 446 1811 / 07539 227 505
Private secretary email