25 March 2025
12:15pm to 1:15pm
25 March 2025
Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital
This is a FREE virtual online health education seminar for general practitioners, practice nurses and other allied health professionals.
Deepa Narayanan, Consultant in Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine for 10 years, is presenting an educational session with Spire Hull and East Riding! As the only consultant in East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire in her field, Dr Narayanan is looking forward to sharing with a Primary Care audience the sorts of cases and referrals she can see, along with referral indicators and education around areas of interest such as cholesterol management, lipid disorders and metabolic bone disease.
Dr Narayanan specialises in diagnosis and management of cholesterol disorders, osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency, Paget's disease and osteomalacia. She has diagnosed and managed over 1,500 new patients referred for cholesterol management, including 140 patients on injectable cholesterol therapies and over 1,250 patients referred for metabolic bone disease over a 10-year period. She is the Clinical lead for the lipid clinic and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia services at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and led the implementation of the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia genetic testing service in 2017 in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
This virtual session will run over a lunchtime, from 12:15 to 13:15, being held over MSTeams. You will earn CPD points for attending this event.
This session is tailored for a UK GP and HCP audience.
This event is hosted by Microsoft Teams, a video conferencing service for hosting live virtual meetings. Microsoft Teams can be used from a computer, mobile or tablet. You don’t need an account to attend a virtual meeting.
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