Mr Christopher  Grocock

Mr Christopher Grocock

Consultant Upper GI Surgeon

MBChB (Hons); MD; FRCS

I qualified in 2002, trained in the Liverpool region and after a fellowship in Guildford, was appointed as a Consultant in 2015, giving a depth of experience of all aspects of upper GI surgery.

I specialise in open hernia and laparoscopic gallbladder and anti-reflux surgery as well as weight loss surgery, predominantly laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and bypass.

I have performed hundreds of complex cases as well as many thousands of simpler procedures, both laparoscopic and open.

In my NHS practice, I perform the full range of specialist oesophago-gastric work from high volumes of stomach and oesophageal cancer resections, weight loss surgery, complex benign procedures such as giant hiatal hernias and Heller's, advanced endoscopy and as part of the on call team, manage complex upper GI emergencies, including the complications of bariatric surgery for the region.

I have held three NHS Consultant appointments, at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire (2015-18); the Royal Liverpool University Hospital (2018-2021) and now at Salford Royal Hospital (2022-present). Salford is the regional oesophago-gastric centre for Greater Manchester.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Christopher Grocock at Spire include:

General surgery


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