Mr Nik (Nikunj) Patel

Mr Nik (Nikunj) Patel

Consultant Neurosurgeon


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Specialises in

  • Spinal surgery (minimally invasive)
  • Surgery of the cranial nerves
  • Neurosurgery

I have had a broad based training in neurosurgery at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol, where I have developed interests and expertise in spinal surgery, surgical treatment of facial pain and cranial nerve hyperactive syndromes and stereotactic surgery for functional brain disorders.

In recognition for my research in the growth factor therapy for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, I was awarded a Hunterian Professorship in Neurosurgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

General Medical Council Number: 4121514

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Nik (Nikunj) Patel at Spire include:


Trigeminal neuralgia Q&A

What is trigeminal neuralgia (TN)? Symptoms, causes and diagnosis

Mr Nik (Nikunj) Patel, a Consultant Neurosurgeon, describes trigeminal neuralgia as a rare form of severe facial pain, often regarded as the worst imaginable pain that occurs due to a lesion in the trigeminal nerve in the face. Medication is typically used as the first treatment measure but if dosages and side effects become too high then referral to a neurosurgeon is the next step.

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Bristol Hospital.


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We will use your personal information to process your enquiry. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

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Additional information

Surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm, minimally invasive cervical and lumbar spine surgery, neuromodulation (spinal cord and deep brain stimulation) treatments for chronic pain syndromes, neuromodulation (deep brain stimulation) treatments for functional brain disorders.

Consultant Neurosurgeon, Frenchay Hospital, North Bristol Trust.

Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Bristol.

Telephone 0117 980 4070
Private secretary Lauren Peverall
Private secretary telephone 0117 203 2529
Private secretary fax 0870 875 5910
Private secretary email