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East Of England
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South West
01223 266900
Cambridge Lea Hospital
01277 232525
Hartswood Hospital
01603 456181
Norwich Hospital
01702 462944
Wellesley Hospital
Clinics and Centres
01603 456 181
Spire Ella May Barnes Clinic
020 8950 9090
Bushey Hospital
01582 763 191
Harpenden Hospital
020 8551 1100
London East Hospital
020 8337 6691
St Anthony's Hospital
01753 662241
Thames Valley Hospital
Clinics and Centres
020 8901 0330
Elstree Cancer Centre
020 8736 4608
Spire Bushey Diagnostic Centre
0116 2720888
Leicester Hospital
0121 353 2444
Little Aston Hospital
0115 937 7800
Nottingham Hospital
0121 704 1451
Parkway Hospital
01905 350003
South Bank Hospital
Clinics and Centres
01905 402 547
The Spire Clinic, Droitwich Spa
0114 263 0330
Claremont Hospital
01422 324000
Elland Hospital
01482 659471
Hull and East Riding Hospital
0113 269 3939
Leeds Hospital
01977 518518
Methley Park Hospital
0191 415 1272
Washington Hospital
Clinics and Centres
01924 410 610
Spire Dewsbury Clinic
01423 225 560
Spire Harrogate Clinic
01482 659 471
Spire Hesslewood Clinic
01482 659 471
Spire Lowfield Clinic
01925 265 000
Cheshire Hospital
01253 394 188
Fylde Coast Hospital
0151 733 7123
Liverpool Hospital
0161 447 6677
Manchester Hospital
0151 648 7000
Murrayfield Hospital Wirral
01625 501 150
Regency Hospital Macclesfield
Clinics and Centres
0161 447 6700
Spire Kenmore Clinic
0161 927 3878
Spire Manchester Clinic Hale
0161 447 6888
The OrthTeam Centre
01829 289 057
Spire Tarporley Clinic
0131 334 0363
Edinburgh Hospitals, Murrayfield and Shawfair Park
Clinics and Centres
01634 687 166
Alexandra Hospital
01252 850 216
Clare Park Hospital
0118 958 7676
Dunedin Hospital
01293 785 511
Gatwick Park Hospital
02392 456 000
Portsmouth Hospital
023 8077 5544
Southampton Hospital
01273 828120
Montefiore Hospital
Clinics and Centres
0117 980 4000
Bristol Hospital
Clinics and Centres
01454 456500
GenesisCare Bristol
029 2073 5515
Cardiff Hospital
01978 438 478
Yale Hospital
Clinics and Centres
01978 291 306
Spire Yale - Chesney Court Outpatient and Diagnostic Centre
01745 828 900
Spire Abergele Clinic
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Treatments and services
At Spire Bristol Hospital we offer a full range of treatments, tests and scans
Bones and joints
Eye surgery and treatments
Heart treatments
General surgery
Men's health
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Women's health
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Back surgery
Gastric bypass surgery
Hip replacement surgery
Knee replacement
PFO closure
Tests and scans
Heart MRI scan
CT scan
MRI scan
Other services
One-stop breast clinic
Physiotherapy at Spire Bristol Hospital
Private GP services
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Bristol Hospital
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At Spire Bristol Hospital we offer a full range of treatments, tests and scans
Bones and joints
Eye surgery and treatments
Heart treatments
General surgery
Men's health
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Women's health
View all
Back surgery
Gastric bypass surgery
Hip replacement surgery
Knee replacement
PFO closure
Tests and scans
Heart MRI scan
CT scan
MRI scan
Other services
One-stop breast clinic
Physiotherapy at Spire Bristol Hospital
Private GP services
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Spire GP
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You can expect outstanding patient care from our talented consultants and dedicated nursing team
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At Spire Bristol Hospital we have a variety of options available for funding your treatment and aftercare
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Our consultants
Dr Amrit Darvay C3684221
Dr Abdul Al-Saleh C4677390
Dr Albert Power C4476362
Dr Amarnath Challapilli C6031215
Dr Amit Bahl C4577988
Dr Amit Patel C6042348
Dr Amit Ranjan C6112760
Dr Andrew Day C3067435
Dr Andrew Skyrme-Jones C3289073
Dr Ashley Nisbet C4691903
Dr Benjamin Walton C4009168
Dr Bushra Ahmad C4107853
Dr Carol Phillips C4551603
Dr Catherine McCune C3582824
Dr Charles Comins C4638386
Dr Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci C6139335
Dr Chris Herbert C4703943
Dr Claire Fouque C3589151
Dr Clive Archer C2414562
Dr Daniela Smith C2664219
Dr David Lockey C3356182
Dr Deborah Harris C3185148
Dr Dharam Basude C5189846
Dr Edward Duncan C4583307
Dr Gareth Greenslade C3080470
Dr Geoff Dalton C3165711
Dr Glyn Thomas C4423876
Dr Harsha Gunawardena C4406459
Dr Huzaifa Adamali C7034500
Dr Ihab Diab C6132841
Dr Jane Sansom C2931496
Dr Jasmeet Soar C3467499
Dr Jeremy Bewley C3332933
Dr Jim Portal C4436113
Dr Jon Oxley C4013853
Dr Julian Strange C4114912
Dr Kathryn Jenkins C3461194
Dr Khaled Moaz C4498076
Dr Lindsay Shaw C3551619
Dr Luke Bennetto C4422662
Dr Mandy Williams C4470885
Dr Marcus Bradley C4310859
Dr Marcus Likeman C4029629
Dr Mark Turner C3453340
Dr Mark Callaway C3313765
Dr Mark Pyke C4022426
Dr Mark Thornton C3183115
Dr Martin Platt C3657917
Dr Martin Plummeridge C3442995
Dr Martin Williams C4107303
Dr Melanie Lockett C4096728
Dr Mohammed Khan N1907331
Dr Nabil Jarad C3598384
Dr Naomi Crouch C4415895
Dr Nathan Manghat C4200677
Dr Philip Boreham C3096318
Dr Priyanka Mehta C5200395
Dr Radwa Bedair C6168688
Dr Richard Bateman C4089779
Dr Richard Beringer C4428273
Dr Richard Dell C3131376
Dr Sabine Klepsch C6109656
Dr Sarah Love-Jones C4195452
Dr Shahid Aziz C4129976
Dr Shoba Phillip C5195909
Dr Simon Langton-Hewer C3244032
Dr Simon Lewis C4208527
Dr Stephen Linter C2432430
Dr Stephen Robinson C3659191
Dr Subhabrata Halder C5195083
Miss Sasirekha Govindarajulu C5190062
Mr Adam Ross C6078550
Mr Ajay Sahu C3389904
Mr Alan Osborne C4714051
Mr Andrew Porteous C3628388
Mr Ceri Hughes C4505822
Mr Cha Rajakaruna C4515410
Mr Christopher Wong C3613441
Mr Dan Titcomb C4405829
Mr Edward Rowe C4214135
Mr Farukh Qureshi C3398948
Mr Francis Keeley C4455460
Mr Franco Ciulli C3433690
Professor Hashim Hashim C4518190
Mr Hunaid Vohra C4689710
Mr Hywel Davies C4546292
Mr Iain Packham C4335676
Mr Ian Harding C4119742
Mr James Hewes C4184368
Mr James Murray C4370150
Mr James Robinson C4220688
Mr Jamshed Shabbir C6070478
Mr Jason Webb C4089016
Mr John Hardy C2981343
Mr Jonathan Eldridge C3334258
Mr Mark Crowther C4031886
Mr Mark Woodward C3614222
Mr Mark Yeatman C3339765
Mr Mehool (Mez) Acharya C4437334
Mr Michael Saunders C3196445
Mr Mo Majid C4045313
Mr Partha Sarangi C2855965
Mr Paul Tierney C3339198
Mr Paul Wilson C4287993
Mr Peter Revington C3555486
Mr Philip Clamp C6030057
Mr Philip Robinson C2703460
Mr Phillip McCann C6077943
Mr Rafik Girgis C5179248
Mr Raj Bhatia C4095583
Mr Reyad Abbadi C4206927
Mr Robert Warr C3406197
Mr Salah Al Buheissi C4761819
Mr Sanchit Mehendale C5204968
Mr Sherif Wilson C4672797
Mr Simon Lee C3581050
Mr Stephen Eastaugh-Waring C3591583
Mr Stephen Hepple C3475384
Mr Thomas Chapman C4505286
Mr Tim Whittlestone C3667550
Mr Umraz Khan C3582264
Mr Valentine Akande C4243623
Mr William Harries C3071034
Mr William Neary C4186102
Mrs Anne Dickerson N1906913
Mrs Claire Langton Hewer C3479120
Mrs Gillian Phillip N1906764
Mrs Katherine Gale N1907097
Mrs Melanie Downs N1002704
Mrs Uma Gordon C3360413
Ms Caroline Burt C4036685
Ms Judith Gosmore N1906796
Professor Raimondo Ascione C4392194
Professor Raj Persad C2825012
Dr Cameron Kennedy C1504880
Dr David Cottrell C4125305
Mr Nik (Nikunj) Patel C4121514
Mr James Barnes C6077638
Mr Guy Atherton C3678534
Mr Michael Katsimihas C4310488
Mr Nick Howells C6079818
Dr Dan Augustine C6052490
Miss Anna Clarke C6027885
Dr Mike Bradley C2602363
Mr Rouin Amirfeyz C5209445
Dr Katarzyna Sieradzan C4274436
Dr Giles Dunnill C3262632
Dr Stephen Dorman C4740553
Mr Chendrimada Madhu C6055129
Mr Damian Clark C6088952
Dr Dan McKenzie C4327853
Miss Sanchita Sen C6041448
Dr Gaurav Chhabra C6033124
Mr Paul Wilkerson C4719269
Mr Priyan Landham C6053698
Mr Simon Bick C6065776
Dr Adam Dangoor C4020486
Dr Richard Bond C6101557
Dr Shiroma De Silva-Minor C4190426
Samera Bhatti
Dr Palash Barman C5206968
Dafydd Wilson-Evans DT25448
Dr Jo Bailey C4013523
Dr Andria Merrison C4294942
Miss Michelle Mullan C4180625
Oliver O'Donovan C6148926
Dr Matthew (Thekkekkara) Roy C6103583
Mr Haytham Sumrien C6065485
Mr Richard Baker C4646549
Mr Jonathan Doyle
Ms Mercedes Collins
Dr Nikhil Joshi C6116023
Mr James Henderson C4583091
Mr Andrew Smith C6057353
Mr Oliver Dale C6147388
Mr Aditya Manjunath C6147240
Mr Peter Robinson C6156615
Dr Alan Cohen C2915128
Dr Wycliffe Mbagaya C6084896
Dr Igor Saftic C7564602
Mr Mark Nowell C6078818
Mr John Collin C6071930
Dr Ankur Srivastava C6145675
Mr Gray Edwards C6156741
Mr Niall Sullivan C6162536
Professor Michael Whitehouse C6025765
Miss Rachel Ainsworth C4702234
Dr Zeino Zeino C6137064
Mr Ben Byrne C6111054
Dr Ioannis Felekos C7471966
Dr Gauhar Malik C7015012
Mr Stephen Broomfield C4695749
Mr Sven Putnis C6052783
Mr William Poole C7090208
Mr Dimitri Pournaras C6109278
Miss Linnea Cheung C7082746
Dr Catherine Spencer-Smith C4205342
Mr Tom Wright C4446062
Mr Ken Emmanuel C4102683
Mr James Smith C7049862
Dr Anna Thursby-Pelham C4331823
Mr Su-Min Lee C7284414
Mr Kumar Abhinav C6120961
Mr Kim Hutton C2849450
Miss Rebecca Ford C4437286
Mr David Porter C3203088
Dr Poonamallee Govindaraj C5203384
Dr Mayurika Patel P6096821
Mr Andrew Hall C6156542
Dr Sarah Packham P6079915
Dr Sandeep Buddha C6031795
Mr Sam Jonas C7016679
Dr Patricia Caldas C7125963
Mr Warren Bennett C6142963
Mr Joe Philip C4773650
Mr Hiro Ishii C7090288
Specialities and treatments pages
Blood tests
Blood clot or thrombosis test
Blood disorder test
Blood pressure test
Blood tests for heart disease risk (cardiac testing)
Blood type or blood group test
Breast cancer genetic test (BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing)
Cancer tests
Cholesterol level test
Diabetes test
Fertility tests
Hormone test
Liver and kidney test
Thyroid test
Bones and joints
Ankle arthroscopy
Ankle replacement
Back pain investigations (discography)
Back surgery (spinal surgery)
Balloon kyphoplasty
Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery
Pain management injections for back and facet joints
Hip arthroscopy
Hip replacement surgery
Joint manipulation treatment
Joint pain treatment (joint injections)
Knee arthroscopy surgery
Knee ligament surgery
Knee replacement
Rotator cuff repair
Shoulder arthroscopy
Shoulder replacement surgery
Trigger finger release
Bowel treatments
Barium enema
Barium swallow and barium meal
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Hernia surgery
Virtual colonoscopy
Breast screening and surgery
Breast cancer genetic test (BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing)
Breast lump investigation
Breast lump removal
Breast reconstruction following mastectomy
Mammogram (mammography)
Cancer investigations and treatments
Bladder lesion removal
Bowel surgery, colostomy and ileostomy
Breast cancer genetic test (BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing)
Breast lump removal
Breast reconstruction following mastectomy
Cancer tests
Prostate cancer treatment by high intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU)
Sentinel lymph node biopsy and lymph node removal
Single-dose intraoperative radiotherapy (SD-IORT) for early stage breast cancer
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Breast reconstruction following mastectomy
Inverted nipple surgery
Mole, cyst, wart and skin tag removal
Scar revision
Thread vein treatment
Varicose vein treatment
Cyst removal
Epididymal cysts removal
Eyelid cyst surgery
Ganglion removal surgery
Jaw cyst removal
Mole, cyst, wart and skin tag removal
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) treatments
Balloon sinuplasty for chronic sinusitis
Earwax removal
Grommets insertion (glue ear treatment)
Hearing loss
Laryngoscopy investigation
Nose job or nose reshaping (rhinoplasty)
Septoplasty surgery
Sinus surgery (functional endoscopic sinus surgery or FESS)
Snoring treatment
Thyroid test
Tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy for children
Tonsillectomy for adults
Eye surgery and treatments
Cataract removal surgery
Dry eye syndrome treatment
Eyelid cyst surgery
Presbyopia treatment
Refractive lens surgery
Liver and kidney test
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Liver disease
General medicine
Diabetes test
Chronic fatigue
General surgery
Acid reflux (Stretta)
Anal warts surgery
Anal fissure surgery
Anal fistula surgery
Barium enema
Barium swallow and barium meal
Bowel surgery, colostomy and ileostomy
Bravo pH monitoring
Breast lump removal
Breast reconstruction following mastectomy
Gallbladder / gallstone removal (cholecystectomy)
Hernia surgery
Laparoscopy investigation and treatment
Liver surgery
Hand surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery
Dupuytren's contracture
Trigger finger release
Heart treatments
Ablation of arrhythmia
Blood tests for heart disease risk (cardiac testing)
Cardiac catheterisation
Cardiac CT scan (heart CT)
Cardiac electrophysiology
Cardiac MRI scan (heart MRI)
Cholesterol level test
Contrast echocardiogram
Coronary angioplasty
Coronary artery bypass surgery (heart bypass)
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Exercise ECG
Heart valve replacement
Pacemaker implantation
PFO (hole in the heart) closure
Transoesophageal echocardiogram
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Insertion (TAVI)
Hip and knee
Hip arthroscopy
Hip replacement surgery
Knee arthroscopy surgery
Knee ligament surgery
Knee replacement
Kidney treatments
Gallbladder / gallstone removal (cholecystectomy)
Kidney stones treatment
Kidney X-ray (retrograde pyelogram)
Liver and kidney test
Men's health
Epididymal cysts removal
Hydrocele surgery
Microsurgical vasectomy reversal
Prostate surgery and laser prostate surgery
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
Vasectomy reversal
Mental health
Neurosurgery and neurology
Botulinum toxin injection for back pain
Epidural injections
Headache treatments
Neuralgia (nerve pain) treatment
Oral and dental treatments
Neuralgia (nerve pain) treatment
Wisdom teeth removal
Back surgery (spinal surgery)
Blood disorder test
Blood pressure test
Blood type or blood group test
Cardiac electrophysiology
Eczema and dermatitis treatment
Grommets insertion (glue ear treatment)
Knee arthroscopy surgery
Knee ligament surgery
Physiotherapy from Spire
Tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy for children
Respiratory treatments
Pectus excavatum (Nuss procedure)
Scans and investigations
Back pain investigations (discography)
Barium enema
Barium swallow and barium meal
Bladder investigations (cystoscopy)
Breast lump investigation
Cardiac CT scan (heart CT)
Cardiac MRI scan (heart MRI)
Cardiomemo recording
Contrast echocardiogram
CT scan
ECG monitoring or event recorder - 24/48 hour
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Exercise ECG
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Kidney X-ray (retrograde pyelogram)
Mammogram (mammography)
MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging scan)
Ultrasound scan
Virtual colonoscopy
Skin treatments
Cancer tests
Eczema and dermatitis treatment
Mole, cyst, wart and skin tag removal
Scar revision
Thread vein treatment
Vascular surgery
Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
Thread vein treatment
Varicose vein treatment
Weight loss
Gastric band surgery
Gastric bypass surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy)
Women's health
Breast implant removal
Endometrial ablation surgery
Hysterectomy surgery
Hysteroscopy procedure
Mammogram (mammography)
Ovarian cyst removal
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) for women
Vaginal repair operation
How to book and pay
Information for patients pages
Our healthcare standards
Update on ventral mesh rectopexy surgery
About Spire Bristol Hospital
Coming into hospital for children and young people
Feedback, complaints and raising concerns
Virtual consultations
Other services
One-stop breast clinic
Physiotherapy at Spire Bristol Hospital
Private GP services
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