Paediatrics | Bristol Hospital | Spire Healthcare


Specialist clinical care tailored for infants, children and adolescents.

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If your child is struggling with a health condition, you can choose to see a consultant privately at Spire Healthcare. Our hospitals work together to offer a full range of paediatric services from initial consultation and diagnosis through to treatment and surgery.

At Spire Bristol Hospital we treat children aged 3 – 18 offering a full paediatrics service on site.

Tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy for children

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Safeguarding children and adults

Safeguarding continues to be a high priority and Spire Healthcare is committed to safeguarding adults, children, young people and looked after children. All healthcare staff have a duty to recognise and respond to safeguarding children or adults issues. Safeguarding is a range of activities from promoting health and wellbeing to protection from harm.

View our safeguarding statement

What our patients say

"The care that was provided to Luke was fantastic with nothing being to ..."
Read Luke's Story